

生产企业供应商选择研究及实证分析,74 页 计空格 7.2万字含 英文摘要 任务书 附录有1、供应商评价与选择问卷调查2、基于新混合标准排序规则下的供应商评价与管理系统的战略采购摘要20世纪90年代以来,由于来自于企业外部环境的巨大的压力,以及整个市场不确定性的增强,企业开始集中发展核心业务,逐步形成低成本发展战略,而企...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 chordi 发布

74 页 计空格 7.2万字

含 英文摘要 任务书


关键词:供应商选择 供应链 层次分析法 电子生产企业

Since 1990s, due to the fierce competition and tremendous pressure from the external of enterprise, and the increase of the uncertainty of the whole market, enterprises have began to concentrate on their core business, and gradually formed a low-cost development strategy, and the non-core business operations are outsourced to other enterprises that has greater advantage in this field. The formation of supply chain management (SCM) not only brought challenges to the enterprise, but also opportunities.
As the foundation of SCM, suppliers’ selection is one of the key of the development of enterprises. According the studies of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper summarizes and explores deeply the condition of suppliers’ selection, and establishes a model of suppliers’ selection under SCM environment.
In this paper, it primarily introduced the general conception and basic principle of suppliers’ selection and evolution, and discussed the differences between the studies of scholars. And then, in the second chapter, there are some problems indicated in the process of purchase in China with a survey. The relevant measures are brought up in the end of this chapter. After that, the third chapter combines the survey of the second chapter and analyzes the principle and factors and determine modal of suppliers’ selection in the electronic manufacturing enterprises. And it brings up four general criterions including, ability, service, stability and social responsibilities. Next, the forth chapter uses AHP to carry on synthesizing eva luation, and probes into some problems in the process of application. At last, this model of suppliers' selection is applied in Justaudio technology Co.
In the conclusion, this section summarizes the question of suppliers’ selection and brings up 6 advices to help manufactory to select suppliers in a scientific way.
Key words: Supplier selection AHP SCM environment Electronic manufacturing enterprise

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1问题的提出 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1供应商选择方法研究现状 4
1.2.2供应商评价方法研究现状 5
1.2.3供应商评价指标体系研究现状 6
1.3论文的主要内容 9
第二章 供应链环境下企业供应商评选状况分析 11
2.1供应商在供应链中的意义 11
2.2关于生产企业供应商评选状况的调研 11
2.2.1 供应商评选状况分析 12
2.2.2供应商评选策略 16
2.3 小结 18
第三章 电子生产企业供应商评选策略的探讨 19
3.1 供应商评选的原则和因素 19
3.1.1 供应商评选的原则 19
3.1.2不同采购项目采用不同的供应商评选策略 19
3.1.3影响供应商选择的因素 20
3.2采购模式及其影响 22
3.3评价供应商的指标 26
3.4供应商评选流程 26
3.5持续的供应商评价过程 29
第四章 供应商选择和评价的实证应用 31
4.1 案例背景介绍 31
4.2 供应商情况介绍 32
4.3 供应商评价体系的建立 34
4.3.1 评价指标设定依据 34
4.4 层次分析法在供应商评价和选择中的应用 36
4.4.1 层次分析法 36
4.4.2 层次分析法的基本概念和选取理由 37
4.4.3 层次分析法在供应商评价和选择中的实证研究 41
4.4.4 结果分析 46
第五章 总结和建议 48
5.1主要结论 48
5.2对策建议 49
参考文献 50
供应商评价与选择问卷调查(附录一) 53
基于新混合标准排序规则下的供应商评价与管理系统的战略采购(附录二) 54