用于微波消解仪的荧光光纤测温系统的研制,本文共计2894字;摘要: 设计了一种用于微波消解仪的光纤荧光测温系统。系统使用蓝色发光二极管作为激励光源,传感器在由发光二极管发出的一系列光脉冲的激励下,产生周期性的荧光衰落信号。这个信号经探测后,首先经过一个低噪声宽带放大器,然后再由系统对每一衰落曲线数字化。数字化后的采样值经...

此文档由会员 霜天盈月 发布
摘要: 设计了一种用于微波消解仪的光纤荧光测温系统。系统使用蓝色发光二极管作为激励光源,传感器在由发光二极管发出的一系列光脉冲的激励下,产生周期性的荧光衰落信号。这个信号经探测后,首先经过一个低噪声宽带放大器,然后再由系统对每一衰落曲线数字化。数字化后的采样值经校正了所有的偏置之后,由PC机处理,PC机将采用线性最小二乘曲线拟合技术,生成对这些数据的最佳指数拟合曲线,通过最佳拟合曲线求得指数衰落的时间常数。随后再将时间常数与预先存储的数据对照表做比较,以确定传感器的温度。
The study of fluorescence optical fiber temperature measuring system for microwave digestion instrument
Abstract: A fluorescence optical fiber temperature measuring system applying to microwave digestion instrument has been designed. The blue LED is adopted as the excitation light source in this system. The sensor brings periodic fluorescence decay signal under the excitation of a series of light pulse from LED. After having been detected, the signal is amplified by a low noise wide band amplifier firstly. Then every decay curve is digitized. The method of least squares curve fitting is used to make the best exponential fitting curve with these data. Finally,
1 荧光测温机理
2 荧光光纤测温系统组成
3 实验
4 结论
[1] 周勇义,谷学新,范国强等.微波消解技术及其在分析化学中的应用. 冶金分析,2004,4:30-36
(Zhou Y Y, Gu X X, Fan G Q et al. Application of microwave digestion in analytical chemistry. Metallurgical Analysis, 2004,4:30-36)11/24/2005
[2] 邵劲松,高芹.微波消解石墨炉原子吸收法测定大米中铅镉.粮食与食品工业,2005,2:42-44
(Shao J S, Gao Q. Determination of lead and cadmium in rice by microwave digestion GF-AAS. Cereal and Food Industry,2005,2:42-44)
[3] 赵秀玲,白林.微波消解仪中的光纤传感技术.现代仪器,2004,4:33-34
(Zhao X L, Bai L. Fiber sensing technique in microwave accelerated reaction system, Modern Instrument,2004,4:33-34)
[4] D.P Jia, W Lin. A novel method of optical fiber temperature measurement — Measuring the inner temperature of the cage motor in starting. Proceeding of SPIE, 2000(4220):210~213
摘要: 设计了一种用于微波消解仪的光纤荧光测温系统。系统使用蓝色发光二极管作为激励光源,传感器在由发光二极管发出的一系列光脉冲的激励下,产生周期性的荧光衰落信号。这个信号经探测后,首先经过一个低噪声宽带放大器,然后再由系统对每一衰落曲线数字化。数字化后的采样值经校正了所有的偏置之后,由PC机处理,PC机将采用线性最小二乘曲线拟合技术,生成对这些数据的最佳指数拟合曲线,通过最佳拟合曲线求得指数衰落的时间常数。随后再将时间常数与预先存储的数据对照表做比较,以确定传感器的温度。
The study of fluorescence optical fiber temperature measuring system for microwave digestion instrument
Abstract: A fluorescence optical fiber temperature measuring system applying to microwave digestion instrument has been designed. The blue LED is adopted as the excitation light source in this system. The sensor brings periodic fluorescence decay signal under the excitation of a series of light pulse from LED. After having been detected, the signal is amplified by a low noise wide band amplifier firstly. Then every decay curve is digitized. The method of least squares curve fitting is used to make the best exponential fitting curve with these data. Finally,
1 荧光测温机理
2 荧光光纤测温系统组成
3 实验
4 结论
[1] 周勇义,谷学新,范国强等.微波消解技术及其在分析化学中的应用. 冶金分析,2004,4:30-36
(Zhou Y Y, Gu X X, Fan G Q et al. Application of microwave digestion in analytical chemistry. Metallurgical Analysis, 2004,4:30-36)11/24/2005
[2] 邵劲松,高芹.微波消解石墨炉原子吸收法测定大米中铅镉.粮食与食品工业,2005,2:42-44
(Shao J S, Gao Q. Determination of lead and cadmium in rice by microwave digestion GF-AAS. Cereal and Food Industry,2005,2:42-44)
[3] 赵秀玲,白林.微波消解仪中的光纤传感技术.现代仪器,2004,4:33-34
(Zhao X L, Bai L. Fiber sensing technique in microwave accelerated reaction system, Modern Instrument,2004,4:33-34)
[4] D.P Jia, W Lin. A novel method of optical fiber temperature measurement — Measuring the inner temperature of the cage motor in starting. Proceeding of SPIE, 2000(4220):210~213