浅述lonworks技术的列车控制网络,浅述lonworks技术的列车控制网络全文47页约25000字论述翔实摘 要lonworks列车监控网络是符合ieee1473标准和我国tb规定的标准网络形式之一。四方车辆研究所对其底层技术进行了二次开发和国产化,形成了具有自主知识产权的系列产品。四方车辆研究所研制开发的lonworks网络列车监控系统,已先后应用在武...

此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文47页 约25000字 论述翔实
摘 要
The rapid development of the EMU has challenged the low-leveled traditional train control technology in our country, which urges the development of our own train control networks. The train control network, which is mainly divided into train bus and vehicle bus, is used to synchronize the transmission system of the motor car, to gain the control and monitor the status of all the equipment in the train, and to share information with one another. Actually this has become the trend of the development of the train control. In this paper, the discussion is carried out based on the control system of EMU.
The LONWORKS technology, one of the many fieldbus technologies developed in recent years and available as an open standard to all manufacturers, now has been widely used in the automatic areas ranged from industry, building, transportation, to power system. It integrates computer, network and control into one technology and displaces proprietary centralized systems with open, highly distributed, interoperable systems. Neuron chip, whose network protocol has all 7 layers of the ISO/OSI reference model, has the abilities of both communication and application control, and provides 34 I/O object. The technology also provides versatile methods for building and managing the control networks.
In this paper, 3 solutions for the train control network are demonstrated based on the LONWORKS technology. And according to the actual situations in our country, the 3rd solution is further discussed in detail. The main principles for the definition of the different nodes in a network are given, and the characteristic of the real-time control is thoroughly analyzed. Furthermore, great emphasis has been put to discuss node design and network design. Meanwhile, this paper also analyzes the EMC of the system, for which some methods are given.
Finally, the paper provides certain results of the static tests and the dynamic test on-board the EMU, which in return proves the precedent design.
Keyword: LONWORKS technology, monitor and Control system, communication protocol
1. 概 论 1
1.1 列车微机控制技术的发展与现状 2
1.1.1现场总线技术 3
1.2 本课题的目的和内容 5
1.2.1目的和内容 6
2. LONWORKS网络控制技术的原理与应用开发 7
2.1 概述 7
2.2 LONTALK协议 8
2.2.1物理信道 9
2.2.2LonTalk协议的网络地址结构 9
2.3 通信服务 11
2.3.1消息服务类型 11
2.3.2冲突 12
2.3.3优先级 12
2.3.4证实 13
2.3.5 LonTalk MAC子层 13
2.3.6网络管理和网络诊断 16
2.4 Neuron芯片 16
2.4.1概述 16
2.4.2芯片的CPU结构 18
2.4.3应用I/O对象 18
2.4.4服务引脚(Service Pin) 19
2.4.5通信端口 19
2.5 Neuron C 20
2.5.1 网络变量 20
2.5.2 显式报文(Explicit Message) 21
2.5.3 定时器 21
2.6 LNS 22
3. 监控系统的方案与分析 24
3.1 采用LONWORKS技术的可行性分析 24
3.1.1网络列车控制的特点 24
3.1.2 采用LONWORKS技术的可行性 24
3.2 系统方案 25
3.2.1 列车控制网络的基本结构 25
3.2.2 应用现状 25
3.3 通信方式的选择 26
4. 系统设计 27
4.1 概述 27
4.2 节点设计 27
4.2.1 主板电路设计 27
4.2.2 通信电路 27
4.2.3 附加电路 28
4.3 节点硬件设计 28
4.3.1 节点基本原理 28
4.4 模拟量I/O设计 29
4.5 开关量I/O设计 30
5. LonWorks设计体会及其在我国的应用前景 31
5.1 LonWorks控制网络设计对兼容性的要求 31
5.2 LonWork s节点设计中的抗干扰措施 31
5.3 设计基于LonWorks技术的自控系统应注意的几个问题 32
5.4 LonWorks控制网络在我国的应用发展 32
结 论 34
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
附 图 38
[3]Echelon China 北京代表处,«LONWORKS Networks 智能控制网络技术»,1998
[4]Neuron chip TMPN3150 参考手册 ,Toshiba company,2000.2
[5]谢希仁 编著,«计算机网络»,电子工业出版社,1999
[6]李正军 编著,«现场总线及其应用技术»,机械工业出版社,2005
[7]杨育红 编著,«LON网络控制技术及应用»,西安电子科技大学出版社,1999
[8]阳宪惠 主编,«现场总线技术及其应用»,清华大学出版社,2000
全文47页 约25000字 论述翔实
摘 要
The rapid development of the EMU has challenged the low-leveled traditional train control technology in our country, which urges the development of our own train control networks. The train control network, which is mainly divided into train bus and vehicle bus, is used to synchronize the transmission system of the motor car, to gain the control and monitor the status of all the equipment in the train, and to share information with one another. Actually this has become the trend of the development of the train control. In this paper, the discussion is carried out based on the control system of EMU.
The LONWORKS technology, one of the many fieldbus technologies developed in recent years and available as an open standard to all manufacturers, now has been widely used in the automatic areas ranged from industry, building, transportation, to power system. It integrates computer, network and control into one technology and displaces proprietary centralized systems with open, highly distributed, interoperable systems. Neuron chip, whose network protocol has all 7 layers of the ISO/OSI reference model, has the abilities of both communication and application control, and provides 34 I/O object. The technology also provides versatile methods for building and managing the control networks.
In this paper, 3 solutions for the train control network are demonstrated based on the LONWORKS technology. And according to the actual situations in our country, the 3rd solution is further discussed in detail. The main principles for the definition of the different nodes in a network are given, and the characteristic of the real-time control is thoroughly analyzed. Furthermore, great emphasis has been put to discuss node design and network design. Meanwhile, this paper also analyzes the EMC of the system, for which some methods are given.
Finally, the paper provides certain results of the static tests and the dynamic test on-board the EMU, which in return proves the precedent design.
Keyword: LONWORKS technology, monitor and Control system, communication protocol
1. 概 论 1
1.1 列车微机控制技术的发展与现状 2
1.1.1现场总线技术 3
1.2 本课题的目的和内容 5
1.2.1目的和内容 6
2. LONWORKS网络控制技术的原理与应用开发 7
2.1 概述 7
2.2 LONTALK协议 8
2.2.1物理信道 9
2.2.2LonTalk协议的网络地址结构 9
2.3 通信服务 11
2.3.1消息服务类型 11
2.3.2冲突 12
2.3.3优先级 12
2.3.4证实 13
2.3.5 LonTalk MAC子层 13
2.3.6网络管理和网络诊断 16
2.4 Neuron芯片 16
2.4.1概述 16
2.4.2芯片的CPU结构 18
2.4.3应用I/O对象 18
2.4.4服务引脚(Service Pin) 19
2.4.5通信端口 19
2.5 Neuron C 20
2.5.1 网络变量 20
2.5.2 显式报文(Explicit Message) 21
2.5.3 定时器 21
2.6 LNS 22
3. 监控系统的方案与分析 24
3.1 采用LONWORKS技术的可行性分析 24
3.1.1网络列车控制的特点 24
3.1.2 采用LONWORKS技术的可行性 24
3.2 系统方案 25
3.2.1 列车控制网络的基本结构 25
3.2.2 应用现状 25
3.3 通信方式的选择 26
4. 系统设计 27
4.1 概述 27
4.2 节点设计 27
4.2.1 主板电路设计 27
4.2.2 通信电路 27
4.2.3 附加电路 28
4.3 节点硬件设计 28
4.3.1 节点基本原理 28
4.4 模拟量I/O设计 29
4.5 开关量I/O设计 30
5. LonWorks设计体会及其在我国的应用前景 31
5.1 LonWorks控制网络设计对兼容性的要求 31
5.2 LonWork s节点设计中的抗干扰措施 31
5.3 设计基于LonWorks技术的自控系统应注意的几个问题 32
5.4 LonWorks控制网络在我国的应用发展 32
结 论 34
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
附 图 38
[3]Echelon China 北京代表处,«LONWORKS Networks 智能控制网络技术»,1998
[4]Neuron chip TMPN3150 参考手册 ,Toshiba company,2000.2
[5]谢希仁 编著,«计算机网络»,电子工业出版社,1999
[6]李正军 编著,«现场总线及其应用技术»,机械工业出版社,2005
[7]杨育红 编著,«LON网络控制技术及应用»,西安电子科技大学出版社,1999
[8]阳宪惠 主编,«现场总线技术及其应用»,清华大学出版社,2000