中国小农经济的评判尺度—评黄宗智的“过密化”理论,页数 8 字数 9643摘要:黄宗智提出的以“边际报酬”为评判尺度的“过密化”理论,是其分析和评判中国小农经济的理论基点。用“边际报酬”概念的源头——西方经济学中的“生产函数”来考察,“过密化”理论有其不严密之处。以建立在西方经验之上的“边际报酬”概念来评判与西方农业经济...

此文档由会员 王亮亮 发布
页数 8 字数 9643
Abstract: Phlip Huang’s“Involutionary Theory” is his theoretical BP which was used to analyze and comment on Chinese small-scale peasant economy. Observed from the origin of marginal returns , “Involutionary Theory” isn’t tight. It has limitations to use the concept of marginal returns which is built on western experience to comment on Chinese small-scale peasant economy which has a world of difference from western peasant economy. In the past, most of the respondences to “Involutionary Theory” from western and eastern scholars still stay surface layer. There has few scholars to put forward query to it, and there has fewer theoretical creations. This article uses production theory to comments on “Involutionary theory” in order to promote deeper theoretical ideas and more scientific theoretical creations.
Key word: Small-scale peasant economy Judging standard “Involutionary Theroy”
[4] POPKIN Samuel.The rational Peasant: The Political Economy of Rural Society in Vietnam[M]. Berkeley:University of California Press,1979.
[5] 史建云.近代华北平原自耕农初探[J].中国经济史研究,1994(1).
页数 8 字数 9643
Abstract: Phlip Huang’s“Involutionary Theory” is his theoretical BP which was used to analyze and comment on Chinese small-scale peasant economy. Observed from the origin of marginal returns , “Involutionary Theory” isn’t tight. It has limitations to use the concept of marginal returns which is built on western experience to comment on Chinese small-scale peasant economy which has a world of difference from western peasant economy. In the past, most of the respondences to “Involutionary Theory” from western and eastern scholars still stay surface layer. There has few scholars to put forward query to it, and there has fewer theoretical creations. This article uses production theory to comments on “Involutionary theory” in order to promote deeper theoretical ideas and more scientific theoretical creations.
Key word: Small-scale peasant economy Judging standard “Involutionary Theroy”
[4] POPKIN Samuel.The rational Peasant: The Political Economy of Rural Society in Vietnam[M]. Berkeley:University of California Press,1979.
[5] 史建云.近代华北平原自耕农初探[J].中国经济史研究,1994(1).