出租车规划模型,页数 45字数 17655摘要当前,出租车在城市交通系统中扮演着重要角色,因此解决好出租车行业中存在的问题就变得格外重要。对于沈阳市来说,现在迫切需要一个新的出租车收费方案。对此,本文采取数学建模的方法,建立了三个数学模型,试图给出一个合理的解决方案:首先通过建立阻滞模型,预测未来五年内沈阳市的人口数量,...

此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布
页数 45 字数 17655
摘 要
At present, taxi played an important role in urban transport system, and therefore solve the problems exist in the taxi industry has become particularly important. For Shenyang, there is an urgent need for a new fare charging scheme of taxi. Therefore, this method of mathematical modeling ,establish three mathematical models, tried to give a reasonable solution:first of all through the establishment of Logistic model predict the population of Shenyang the next five years, then classify the population into resident and short-term, at the same time, based on the data collected, it can discuss their go out situation separately, and predict the number of taxi passenger , therefore, the number of taxi passenger in the next five years is also can be predict;present the idea which can measure passenger’s satisfaction by the empty rate,and consider passengers satisfaction of taxi profit, then use the linear planning to establish the number of taxi model, get a reasonable interval of taxi number in theory;finally, according to the taxi driver and passenger satisfaction with the programming having changed and basing on the data collected, analogy the taxi fare programming in other domestic cities, giving different qualification, still use linear planning to establish a taxi price model, providing a reasonable adjustment programming of the fare.
Keywords: Logistic model,Go out intensity,Empty rate,Linear Programming,Fare prices
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 问题提出 1
1.2 本文研究方向 2
第2章 出租车载客次数模型 3
2.1 模型假设 3
2.2 模型分析 4
2.3 模型建立 5
2.3.1 建立人口模型 5
2.3.2 乘车次数问题 6
第3章 出租车数量模型 8
3.1 符号说明 8
3.1.1 变量符号 8
3.1.2 常量符号 8
3.2 数据采集 8
3.3 问题分析 9
3.4 模型建立 10
3.5 模型求解 11
第4章 出租车价格模型 16
4.1 符号假设: 17
4.2 模型准备 17
4.3 出租车定价模型求解 20
第5章 模型分析 22
5.1 模型主要思想 21
5.2 模型建立依据 21
5.3 模型优点 22
5.4 模型缺点 22
5.5 模型改进 22
第6章 改进建议 24
6.1 “油改气”方案 24
6.2 加强行业管理 25
6.3 完善城市交通体系 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27
附 录 28
A.1 The Logistic Population Model 28
A.2 Linear Programming 32
B.1 阻滞人口模型 36
B.2 线性规划 39
[1]《沈阳出租车调价一波三折 首次听证会未获通过》,中华工商时报,2006 年4 月30 日:
[3]姜启源. 数学模型(第二版).高等教育出版社,1993
[4]刘承平. 数学建模方法.高等教育出版社,2002
[5]彭祖赠,黄崇超. 数学模型与建模方法.大连海事大学出版社,1997
页数 45 字数 17655
摘 要
At present, taxi played an important role in urban transport system, and therefore solve the problems exist in the taxi industry has become particularly important. For Shenyang, there is an urgent need for a new fare charging scheme of taxi. Therefore, this method of mathematical modeling ,establish three mathematical models, tried to give a reasonable solution:first of all through the establishment of Logistic model predict the population of Shenyang the next five years, then classify the population into resident and short-term, at the same time, based on the data collected, it can discuss their go out situation separately, and predict the number of taxi passenger , therefore, the number of taxi passenger in the next five years is also can be predict;present the idea which can measure passenger’s satisfaction by the empty rate,and consider passengers satisfaction of taxi profit, then use the linear planning to establish the number of taxi model, get a reasonable interval of taxi number in theory;finally, according to the taxi driver and passenger satisfaction with the programming having changed and basing on the data collected, analogy the taxi fare programming in other domestic cities, giving different qualification, still use linear planning to establish a taxi price model, providing a reasonable adjustment programming of the fare.
Keywords: Logistic model,Go out intensity,Empty rate,Linear Programming,Fare prices
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 问题提出 1
1.2 本文研究方向 2
第2章 出租车载客次数模型 3
2.1 模型假设 3
2.2 模型分析 4
2.3 模型建立 5
2.3.1 建立人口模型 5
2.3.2 乘车次数问题 6
第3章 出租车数量模型 8
3.1 符号说明 8
3.1.1 变量符号 8
3.1.2 常量符号 8
3.2 数据采集 8
3.3 问题分析 9
3.4 模型建立 10
3.5 模型求解 11
第4章 出租车价格模型 16
4.1 符号假设: 17
4.2 模型准备 17
4.3 出租车定价模型求解 20
第5章 模型分析 22
5.1 模型主要思想 21
5.2 模型建立依据 21
5.3 模型优点 22
5.4 模型缺点 22
5.5 模型改进 22
第6章 改进建议 24
6.1 “油改气”方案 24
6.2 加强行业管理 25
6.3 完善城市交通体系 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27
附 录 28
A.1 The Logistic Population Model 28
A.2 Linear Programming 32
B.1 阻滞人口模型 36
B.2 线性规划 39
[1]《沈阳出租车调价一波三折 首次听证会未获通过》,中华工商时报,2006 年4 月30 日:
[3]姜启源. 数学模型(第二版).高等教育出版社,1993
[4]刘承平. 数学建模方法.高等教育出版社,2002
[5]彭祖赠,黄崇超. 数学模型与建模方法.大连海事大学出版社,1997