我国如何防止别国滥用反倾销,全文22页约14000字论述翔实摘 要:我国成为世贸组织正式成员后,人们讨论比较多的是加人wto会给中国国内法律,特别是贸易和投资方面的法律法规带来的变化。但同时人们也应该看到,中国加人wto也使该组织的其它成员不得不相应地修改本国法律及相关措施中与中国有关的那些规定。美国给予中国永久性正常贸...

此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文22页 约14000字 论述翔实
摘 要:我国成为世贸组织正式成员后,人们讨论比较多的是加人WTO会给中国国内法律,特别是贸易和投资方面的法律法规带来的变化。但同时人们也应该看到,中国加人WTO也使该组织的其它成员不得不相应地修改本国法律及相关措施中与中国有关的那些规定。美国给予中国永久性正常贸易关系就是一个典型的例子,它将改变美国的法律与贸易措施中与中国有关的部分。然而反倾销这种"合法"的贸易保护措施已成为一些国家实施歧视性贸易壁垒的重要形式,企业会向其政府施加越来越大的压力,要求其采取反倾销措施对付来自我国的产品。对WTO机制下的反倾销的概念,我国目前被控倾销的现状,国外反倾销对我国的危害作了分析,认真审视别国对我国产品的反倾销措施及调查程序,并对我国企业的应对措施提出了自己的看法,我国企业一方面应完善自我,另一方面还应充分运用世贸组织《反倾销协议》这一法律武器维护自身的权益。
Abstract: The our country becomes the world trade organizes after the formal member, people the discussion compares is a variety that law to add the person WTO will give the Chinese local law, China adds the person the WTO to also make should the other member who organize have to the cowgirl ground modify those provisionses had something to do with China in our country law and related measures.The United States gives normal trade in Chinese permanent relation be law that a typical example, it will change the United States has something to do with China with trade measure inside part.However anti dump the some nation that the trade protection measure of this kind of" legal" have become important form puts into practice bias trade barrier, the business enterprise will face the more and more big pressure in infliction in its government, requesting its adopt anti dump the measure deals with the product from our country.Anti that descend the concept to dump to WTO mechanism, the our country is current to is controled the present condition that dump, abroad anti dump to the our country of the bane made the analysis, examining hard do not the country dump the measure and investigate the procedure to anti of my domestic product, and to our country the business enterprise replies the measure put forward own viewpoint, our country business enterprise on the other hand should perfect ego, on the other hand should still make the most of world trade organize(anti dump) this law weapon that negotiate the rights supports the oneself.
Keyword:Anti dump WTO Chinese business enterprise anti dump the agreement reply the measure
[10] 陈家勤.多管齐下应对反倾销[J].新闻周刊,2003,(3)
[11] 徐宝峰.《出口企业如何应对国外反倾销》[J].《中国检验检疫》,2004年第2期,第44页
[12] 张清华.《中国企业消极应诉反倾销的制度性缺陷》[J].《经济与管理研究》2004年第6期第66页
[13] 沈木珠 .《国际反倾销中的中国策略》[J].《法学杂志》(总第130期) 2003年第1期,第21页
[14]Jai S. Mah: Anti-Circumvention and the Harmonized Rules of Origin in the WTO, World Competition, Vol.22, No.2, 2003
[15] Simon Holmes: Anti-Circumvention under the European Union’s New Anti-Dumping Rules, Journal of World Trade, Vol.29, No.3, 2004
全文22页 约14000字 论述翔实
摘 要:我国成为世贸组织正式成员后,人们讨论比较多的是加人WTO会给中国国内法律,特别是贸易和投资方面的法律法规带来的变化。但同时人们也应该看到,中国加人WTO也使该组织的其它成员不得不相应地修改本国法律及相关措施中与中国有关的那些规定。美国给予中国永久性正常贸易关系就是一个典型的例子,它将改变美国的法律与贸易措施中与中国有关的部分。然而反倾销这种"合法"的贸易保护措施已成为一些国家实施歧视性贸易壁垒的重要形式,企业会向其政府施加越来越大的压力,要求其采取反倾销措施对付来自我国的产品。对WTO机制下的反倾销的概念,我国目前被控倾销的现状,国外反倾销对我国的危害作了分析,认真审视别国对我国产品的反倾销措施及调查程序,并对我国企业的应对措施提出了自己的看法,我国企业一方面应完善自我,另一方面还应充分运用世贸组织《反倾销协议》这一法律武器维护自身的权益。
Abstract: The our country becomes the world trade organizes after the formal member, people the discussion compares is a variety that law to add the person WTO will give the Chinese local law, China adds the person the WTO to also make should the other member who organize have to the cowgirl ground modify those provisionses had something to do with China in our country law and related measures.The United States gives normal trade in Chinese permanent relation be law that a typical example, it will change the United States has something to do with China with trade measure inside part.However anti dump the some nation that the trade protection measure of this kind of" legal" have become important form puts into practice bias trade barrier, the business enterprise will face the more and more big pressure in infliction in its government, requesting its adopt anti dump the measure deals with the product from our country.Anti that descend the concept to dump to WTO mechanism, the our country is current to is controled the present condition that dump, abroad anti dump to the our country of the bane made the analysis, examining hard do not the country dump the measure and investigate the procedure to anti of my domestic product, and to our country the business enterprise replies the measure put forward own viewpoint, our country business enterprise on the other hand should perfect ego, on the other hand should still make the most of world trade organize(anti dump) this law weapon that negotiate the rights supports the oneself.
Keyword:Anti dump WTO Chinese business enterprise anti dump the agreement reply the measure
[10] 陈家勤.多管齐下应对反倾销[J].新闻周刊,2003,(3)
[11] 徐宝峰.《出口企业如何应对国外反倾销》[J].《中国检验检疫》,2004年第2期,第44页
[12] 张清华.《中国企业消极应诉反倾销的制度性缺陷》[J].《经济与管理研究》2004年第6期第66页
[13] 沈木珠 .《国际反倾销中的中国策略》[J].《法学杂志》(总第130期) 2003年第1期,第21页
[14]Jai S. Mah: Anti-Circumvention and the Harmonized Rules of Origin in the WTO, World Competition, Vol.22, No.2, 2003
[15] Simon Holmes: Anti-Circumvention under the European Union’s New Anti-Dumping Rules, Journal of World Trade, Vol.29, No.3, 2004