我国上市公司内部治理机制存在的问题及对策,全文13页约10000字论述翔实摘 要:公司治理机制包括内部治理和外部治理两部分,本文仅研究我国公司内部治理存在的问题及对策。公司内部治理机制,是企业内部通过组织程序所明确的所有者,董事会和高级管理人员等利益相关者,之间的权力分配和制衡关系,具体表现为公司章程,董事会议事规则,决...

此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布
全文13页 约10000字 论述翔实
摘 要:公司治理机制包括内部治理和外部治理两部分,本文仅研究我国公司内部治理存在的问题及对策。公司内部治理机制,是企业内部通过组织程序所明确的所有者,董事会和高级管理人员等利益相关者,之间的权力分配和制衡关系,具体表现为公司章程,董事会议事规则,决策权力分配等企业内部等制度安排。公司治理中主要存在股东大会功能弱化、董事会制度的缺陷、上市公司监事会监督机制缺位这三方面问题。针对以上问题提出了它们存在的原因,并进一步的提出解决方案。
Abstract: The company governs the mechanism and exterior governs two parts including the internal government, this article only studies our country company interior government existence the question and the countermeasure. The company interior government mechanism, is the enterprise interior the owner which is clear about through the organization procedure, benefit correlation and so on board of directors and high-level administrative personnel, the between authority assignment and the system weigh the relations, the concrete manifestation is the articles of incorporation, the board of directors procedure rule, and so on policy-making authority assignment system arrangement and so on enterprise interior. The company governs mainly has the general meeting of shareholders function to attenuate, the board of directors system flaw, to go on the market the company board of supervisors to supervise the machine-made vacancy these three aspects question. Proposed in view of the above question they exist the reason, and further proposes the solution.
Keywords: Goes on the market the company Internal government mechanism Independent trustee Board of supervisors
目 录
前 言 1
1公司内部治理机制的涵义 2
2我国上市公司内部治理机制存在的问题 2
2.1现阶段我国上市公司股东大会功能弱化 2
2.2我国上市公司董事会制度的缺陷 3
2.3我国上市公司监事会监督机制的缺位 3
2.3.1监事会和监事缺乏必要的独立性 3
2.3.2监事会或监事职权不全 4
2.3.3监事会和经营管理层的信息不对称 4
3完善上市公司内部治理机制的对策 4
3.1完善股东大会职能 4
3.1.1公司治理参与各方要树立股东观念 4
3.1.2条件允许时在股东大会引入累计投票制 4
3.1.3参照国际经验,我国应建立和规范委托投票制度 5
3.1.4大力发展机构投资者 5
3.1.5建立公众股东表决制度 5
3.2董事会制度的完善 5
3.2.1设立独立董事制度 5
3.2.2提高董事会制度的独立性 6
3.3加强监事会的监督机制 7
3.3.1监事会成员人数 7
3.3.2监事会的独立性 8
3.3.3延长监事会监督的时间 9
3.3.4防止监事会和监事滥用权力或怠于行使权力 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11
附 件 12
[7] 刘俊海.独立董事,一群走钢丝的人[J],载《法律与生活》2002,10.
[8] 赵 莉.上市公司独立董事的义务和责任[J],载《法制日报》2003,8.
[9] 魏 杰.企业前沿问题研究[M],中国发展出版社2003,12~15
[11]The first gram Ke Lisita Ding the company administers the structure: the
experience of the practice of China and the United States ", the Chinese
People university publishing house.
[12]Special .C.'s of uncle . Luo carat gram, 2004:'s " company law ", the
industry and commerce publishing house. Shanghai stock exchange
research center
全文13页 约10000字 论述翔实
摘 要:公司治理机制包括内部治理和外部治理两部分,本文仅研究我国公司内部治理存在的问题及对策。公司内部治理机制,是企业内部通过组织程序所明确的所有者,董事会和高级管理人员等利益相关者,之间的权力分配和制衡关系,具体表现为公司章程,董事会议事规则,决策权力分配等企业内部等制度安排。公司治理中主要存在股东大会功能弱化、董事会制度的缺陷、上市公司监事会监督机制缺位这三方面问题。针对以上问题提出了它们存在的原因,并进一步的提出解决方案。
Abstract: The company governs the mechanism and exterior governs two parts including the internal government, this article only studies our country company interior government existence the question and the countermeasure. The company interior government mechanism, is the enterprise interior the owner which is clear about through the organization procedure, benefit correlation and so on board of directors and high-level administrative personnel, the between authority assignment and the system weigh the relations, the concrete manifestation is the articles of incorporation, the board of directors procedure rule, and so on policy-making authority assignment system arrangement and so on enterprise interior. The company governs mainly has the general meeting of shareholders function to attenuate, the board of directors system flaw, to go on the market the company board of supervisors to supervise the machine-made vacancy these three aspects question. Proposed in view of the above question they exist the reason, and further proposes the solution.
Keywords: Goes on the market the company Internal government mechanism Independent trustee Board of supervisors
目 录
前 言 1
1公司内部治理机制的涵义 2
2我国上市公司内部治理机制存在的问题 2
2.1现阶段我国上市公司股东大会功能弱化 2
2.2我国上市公司董事会制度的缺陷 3
2.3我国上市公司监事会监督机制的缺位 3
2.3.1监事会和监事缺乏必要的独立性 3
2.3.2监事会或监事职权不全 4
2.3.3监事会和经营管理层的信息不对称 4
3完善上市公司内部治理机制的对策 4
3.1完善股东大会职能 4
3.1.1公司治理参与各方要树立股东观念 4
3.1.2条件允许时在股东大会引入累计投票制 4
3.1.3参照国际经验,我国应建立和规范委托投票制度 5
3.1.4大力发展机构投资者 5
3.1.5建立公众股东表决制度 5
3.2董事会制度的完善 5
3.2.1设立独立董事制度 5
3.2.2提高董事会制度的独立性 6
3.3加强监事会的监督机制 7
3.3.1监事会成员人数 7
3.3.2监事会的独立性 8
3.3.3延长监事会监督的时间 9
3.3.4防止监事会和监事滥用权力或怠于行使权力 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11
附 件 12
[7] 刘俊海.独立董事,一群走钢丝的人[J],载《法律与生活》2002,10.
[8] 赵 莉.上市公司独立董事的义务和责任[J],载《法制日报》2003,8.
[9] 魏 杰.企业前沿问题研究[M],中国发展出版社2003,12~15
[11]The first gram Ke Lisita Ding the company administers the structure: the
experience of the practice of China and the United States ", the Chinese
People university publishing house.
[12]Special .C.'s of uncle . Luo carat gram, 2004:'s " company law ", the
industry and commerce publishing house. Shanghai stock exchange
research center