数字电视单频网技术研究,全文45页 约20000字论述翔实摘要数字电视技术是近20年来发展最快的技术之一。我国的数字电视产业正在迅速发展,数字电视地面广播呼声日高,数字电视取代模拟电视的时代已经到来。所谓数字电视就是将模拟电视信号经取样、量化和编码后转换成二进制数表示的数字信号,然后进行各种处理,如编码、调制、传输、存储...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文45页 约20000字 论述翔实
摘 要
The technology of the digital TV is one of the technology with the fastest developing speed in the past 20 years. The digital TV Industry of our country is developing rapidly, Broadcast in digital television ground voice loudly, the era of replacing the analogue TV of the digital TV has already come. The so-called digital TV changes the anolog TV signals into the digital signal that a binary number show through taking a sample, quantizing and encoding, then go on various kinds of treatment, code for instance , modulate , transmit , store. The prevalence that the digital TV will be extensive , and replace the analogue TV progressively , because in nowadays a lot of cities and surrounding area, easy to influence by the fact that it is interfered directly that there are many numerous high level buildings, make reception worsen, is it is it increase power and height of aerial of transmitter solve problem this very uneconomical , unrealistic too to lean against to want. And the network is that the adjoint launching stand sends the same program with the same channel frequently only, well solve the problem of receiving like this. The advantage of the network is frequently only: (1) Save frequency resources; (2)The coverage is big. It is by way of adopting and is similar to the honeycomb network, in order to increase the coverage.
The thesis is directed against the development of the present digital TV and development of the technology of the network frequently only on the basis of consulting generously and about documents and materials, have done certain research, and has carried on emulation analysis to it. Have carried on the simple introduction to MATLAB artificial environment knowledge in the thesis.
Key words:Digital TV; DVB-T; SFN
[9] 佟学俭.OFDM 移动通信技术原理与应用.人民邮电出版社,2003
[10] 尤巩圻.电视发射机与差转机.中国广播电视出版社,1994
[11] 樊昌信.通信原理.国防工业出版社,1993
[12] 郭梯云.移动通信西安电子科技大学出版社,2004
[13] 龚 波.QAM 调制信号测试原理.2002 年第六届全国有线电视、卫星、覆盖、音频、 视频及记录研讨会论文集,2002
[14] 张 珉.DVB -T 开路数字地面电视.世界宽带网络杂志,2004
全文45页 约20000字 论述翔实
摘 要
The technology of the digital TV is one of the technology with the fastest developing speed in the past 20 years. The digital TV Industry of our country is developing rapidly, Broadcast in digital television ground voice loudly, the era of replacing the analogue TV of the digital TV has already come. The so-called digital TV changes the anolog TV signals into the digital signal that a binary number show through taking a sample, quantizing and encoding, then go on various kinds of treatment, code for instance , modulate , transmit , store. The prevalence that the digital TV will be extensive , and replace the analogue TV progressively , because in nowadays a lot of cities and surrounding area, easy to influence by the fact that it is interfered directly that there are many numerous high level buildings, make reception worsen, is it is it increase power and height of aerial of transmitter solve problem this very uneconomical , unrealistic too to lean against to want. And the network is that the adjoint launching stand sends the same program with the same channel frequently only, well solve the problem of receiving like this. The advantage of the network is frequently only: (1) Save frequency resources; (2)The coverage is big. It is by way of adopting and is similar to the honeycomb network, in order to increase the coverage.
The thesis is directed against the development of the present digital TV and development of the technology of the network frequently only on the basis of consulting generously and about documents and materials, have done certain research, and has carried on emulation analysis to it. Have carried on the simple introduction to MATLAB artificial environment knowledge in the thesis.
Key words:Digital TV; DVB-T; SFN
[9] 佟学俭.OFDM 移动通信技术原理与应用.人民邮电出版社,2003
[10] 尤巩圻.电视发射机与差转机.中国广播电视出版社,1994
[11] 樊昌信.通信原理.国防工业出版社,1993
[12] 郭梯云.移动通信西安电子科技大学出版社,2004
[13] 龚 波.QAM 调制信号测试原理.2002 年第六届全国有线电视、卫星、覆盖、音频、 视频及记录研讨会论文集,2002
[14] 张 珉.DVB -T 开路数字地面电视.世界宽带网络杂志,2004