用神经网络解决异或问题的新算法简介,页数 18字数 5785【摘要】从感知机的结构及学习规则无法执行“异或问题”出发,用神经网络中的bp网络来解决“异或问题”,消除了感知器的局限性。但bp算法在具体实现中常会出现一些问题,如:收敛速度缓慢且与其它参数存在较强的耦合关系,局部极小等。对此,本作品从前馈神经网络的原理出发,提...

此文档由会员 刘阳 发布
页数 18 字数 5785
【Abstract】The XOR question can’t be implemented by the structure and study regulation of feeling machines, started with which, This production uses BP network to solve the XOR question, which obliterate the limitation of the feeling machine.But problems come into existence in concrete apply of BP network, for example: The restrained rate is slow, and there are existence of the strong coupling relation with other parameters. Otherwise the partial is extreme minute. So according to the mechinism of Feedforward Neural Network, this product put forward a method with variable learning rate factors for the improvement of BP algorithm. The inproved algorithm is applied to the learning of two or more dimensions XOR question.The simulations show the improved algorithm has good effects on speeding up learning process and bettering its learning convergence and robust performance.
【Key words】neural networks,algorithm,XOR,learning rate, back-propagation.
[1] 丛爽.面向matlab工具箱的神经网络理论与应用.合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社.1998.11
[2] 王伟.人工神经网络原理——入门与应用.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社.1995.10
[3] 武妍,张立明. 两种将任务学习与模型学习相结合的神经网络习方法北京第届学术年会论文. CNNC 12 , 2002-12
[4] 乔志骏,刘其真,易维列等. 一个基于模糊神经网络的数据逼近和泛化建模方法模式识别与人工智能 . 2001
[5] 宋宜斌,王培进. 多层前馈神经网络改进算法及其应用.计算机工程.2003.8
页数 18 字数 5785
【Abstract】The XOR question can’t be implemented by the structure and study regulation of feeling machines, started with which, This production uses BP network to solve the XOR question, which obliterate the limitation of the feeling machine.But problems come into existence in concrete apply of BP network, for example: The restrained rate is slow, and there are existence of the strong coupling relation with other parameters. Otherwise the partial is extreme minute. So according to the mechinism of Feedforward Neural Network, this product put forward a method with variable learning rate factors for the improvement of BP algorithm. The inproved algorithm is applied to the learning of two or more dimensions XOR question.The simulations show the improved algorithm has good effects on speeding up learning process and bettering its learning convergence and robust performance.
【Key words】neural networks,algorithm,XOR,learning rate, back-propagation.
[1] 丛爽.面向matlab工具箱的神经网络理论与应用.合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社.1998.11
[2] 王伟.人工神经网络原理——入门与应用.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社.1995.10
[3] 武妍,张立明. 两种将任务学习与模型学习相结合的神经网络习方法北京第届学术年会论文. CNNC 12 , 2002-12
[4] 乔志骏,刘其真,易维列等. 一个基于模糊神经网络的数据逼近和泛化建模方法模式识别与人工智能 . 2001
[5] 宋宜斌,王培进. 多层前馈神经网络改进算法及其应用.计算机工程.2003.8