论我国会展旅游的发展,全文25页 约15000字论述翔实摘要会展旅游是国际上较为成熟的旅游产品,也是旅游业发达程度的重要标志。会展旅游即包括会议、展览以及奖励旅游。虽然在我国学术界对会展旅游还没有一个统一的定义,但随着会展旅游影响的日盛,它所涵盖的范围正在不断地拓宽。一般说来,它是指各类专业会议、展览会与博览会、奖励旅游...

此文档由会员 香烟无味 发布
全文25页 约15000字 论述翔实
摘 要
关键词 : 会展旅游,旅游,展览会,会展
The shallow argument our country meeting the development that exhibition tour
It is the comparatively ripe travelling products in the world that the convention and exhibition travels, it is the important sign of the developed intensity of tourist industry too. The unified statement that the convention and exhibition travels in the world is include the meeting , exhibition and incentive tour . No unified definitions that though travel to the convention and exhibition in our country's academia, it is held but travel with the convention and exhibition on the day influenced , the range that it contains is being widened constantly. Generally speaking, it refers to the comprehensive tourist activities of activities such as all kinds of professional meeting , the exhibition and grand occasion of the sports of fair , incentive tour , large-scale culture ,etc. inclusive.
The exhibition of our Congress had had fast growing tourist industry since 1990s, the annual growth rate is more than 20% , is much higher than the growth of the total supply and demand of other fields of our country. . However, the exhibition of our Congress travels and also at primary stage generally, the total amount of the market is still relatively low.
The tourist industry of the modern convention and exhibition is a new developing travel form of a rapid development, compare the tourist activity of other forms , the convention and exhibition has better economic and social benefits to travel. This text has described the meaning that the convention and exhibition travels and economic social benefit, the characteristic and requirement for host place, have introduced the current situation of travel development of Chinese and foreign conventions and exhibitions and could be drawn lessons from .
Keyword:The meeting exhibition travel;Tour;Exposition;The meeting exhibition
目 录
摘 要…………………………………………………………I
Abctract ………………………………………………………II
一 绪 论……………………………………………………1
二 我国会展旅游的发展现状…………………………………2
(一) 起步较晚,发展较快……………………………………2
(二) 各级政府的扶持…………………………………………2
(三) 会展场馆建设的特点……………………………………3
(四) 会展业的教育培训………………………………………4
三 我国开展会展旅游现存的问题……………………………5
(一) 市场化不够完善…………………………………………5
(二) 外部环境亟待改善………………………………………6
(三)重硬件轻软件,重展轻会 ………………………………7
四 解决会展旅游现存问题的建议 …………………………8
(一) 顺应规则,发挥行业协会作用…………………………8
(二) 改进服务水平,加快人才培养…………………………8
(三) 会展旅游应走向产业化和品牌化………………………8
(四) 充分利用互联网,实现现实和网上交易互补…………9
(五) 以展“促”会,以会“兴”展…………………………9
(六) 积极引进外资,提高利用外资的质量和水平 ………10
(七) 利用本土优势 …………………………………………10
(八) 以合求存,多元发展 …………………………………10
五 我国会展旅游的发展趋势 ………………………………11
(一) 自发性的协会将进一步规范会展行业的行为 ………11
(二) 会展业将向几个大城市集中 …………………………11
(三) 中介组织将大批出现,形成独立的产业 …………11
(四) 会展旅游市场将专业化细分 …………………………11
(五) 大型旅游企业将大批进入会展旅游市场 ……………12
(六) 展览场馆将可能全面过剩 ……………………………12
结论 ……………………………………………………………13
致谢 ……………………………………………………………14
参考文献 ………………………………………………………15
附录 1 …………………………………………………………16
附录 2 …………………………………………………………20
7 陶汉军.旅游经济专业知识与实务.中国人事出版社,1999;5
8 仇保兴.简论旅游资源开发.风景名胜,2000;第三期。
9 谢臣英,杨叶飞.关于广州加快国际会展业发展的思考.经济师,2002,
10 马勇.中国会展经济发展解读.经济地理,2002;22(3).293-296
11 Reichhardt T. Will souped up salmon sink or swim?Nature. 2000 ;6;406(6791):10-2.
12 Tsai HJ. Electroporated sperm mediation of a gene transfer system for finfish and hellfish.Mol Reprod Dev. 2000;56(2 Suppl):281-4.
全文25页 约15000字 论述翔实
摘 要
关键词 : 会展旅游,旅游,展览会,会展
The shallow argument our country meeting the development that exhibition tour
It is the comparatively ripe travelling products in the world that the convention and exhibition travels, it is the important sign of the developed intensity of tourist industry too. The unified statement that the convention and exhibition travels in the world is include the meeting , exhibition and incentive tour . No unified definitions that though travel to the convention and exhibition in our country's academia, it is held but travel with the convention and exhibition on the day influenced , the range that it contains is being widened constantly. Generally speaking, it refers to the comprehensive tourist activities of activities such as all kinds of professional meeting , the exhibition and grand occasion of the sports of fair , incentive tour , large-scale culture ,etc. inclusive.
The exhibition of our Congress had had fast growing tourist industry since 1990s, the annual growth rate is more than 20% , is much higher than the growth of the total supply and demand of other fields of our country. . However, the exhibition of our Congress travels and also at primary stage generally, the total amount of the market is still relatively low.
The tourist industry of the modern convention and exhibition is a new developing travel form of a rapid development, compare the tourist activity of other forms , the convention and exhibition has better economic and social benefits to travel. This text has described the meaning that the convention and exhibition travels and economic social benefit, the characteristic and requirement for host place, have introduced the current situation of travel development of Chinese and foreign conventions and exhibitions and could be drawn lessons from .
Keyword:The meeting exhibition travel;Tour;Exposition;The meeting exhibition
目 录
摘 要…………………………………………………………I
Abctract ………………………………………………………II
一 绪 论……………………………………………………1
二 我国会展旅游的发展现状…………………………………2
(一) 起步较晚,发展较快……………………………………2
(二) 各级政府的扶持…………………………………………2
(三) 会展场馆建设的特点……………………………………3
(四) 会展业的教育培训………………………………………4
三 我国开展会展旅游现存的问题……………………………5
(一) 市场化不够完善…………………………………………5
(二) 外部环境亟待改善………………………………………6
(三)重硬件轻软件,重展轻会 ………………………………7
四 解决会展旅游现存问题的建议 …………………………8
(一) 顺应规则,发挥行业协会作用…………………………8
(二) 改进服务水平,加快人才培养…………………………8
(三) 会展旅游应走向产业化和品牌化………………………8
(四) 充分利用互联网,实现现实和网上交易互补…………9
(五) 以展“促”会,以会“兴”展…………………………9
(六) 积极引进外资,提高利用外资的质量和水平 ………10
(七) 利用本土优势 …………………………………………10
(八) 以合求存,多元发展 …………………………………10
五 我国会展旅游的发展趋势 ………………………………11
(一) 自发性的协会将进一步规范会展行业的行为 ………11
(二) 会展业将向几个大城市集中 …………………………11
(三) 中介组织将大批出现,形成独立的产业 …………11
(四) 会展旅游市场将专业化细分 …………………………11
(五) 大型旅游企业将大批进入会展旅游市场 ……………12
(六) 展览场馆将可能全面过剩 ……………………………12
结论 ……………………………………………………………13
致谢 ……………………………………………………………14
参考文献 ………………………………………………………15
附录 1 …………………………………………………………16
附录 2 …………………………………………………………20
7 陶汉军.旅游经济专业知识与实务.中国人事出版社,1999;5
8 仇保兴.简论旅游资源开发.风景名胜,2000;第三期。
9 谢臣英,杨叶飞.关于广州加快国际会展业发展的思考.经济师,2002,
10 马勇.中国会展经济发展解读.经济地理,2002;22(3).293-296
11 Reichhardt T. Will souped up salmon sink or swim?Nature. 2000 ;6;406(6791):10-2.
12 Tsai HJ. Electroporated sperm mediation of a gene transfer system for finfish and hellfish.Mol Reprod Dev. 2000;56(2 Suppl):281-4.