领导行为理论研究,全文79页约32000字论述翔实摘 要几十年来,国内外的众多专家学者已经从个个角度,方向,内容对领导行为理论进行了系统的研究并取得了伟大的成就,这其中主要包括:坦南色姆的领导行为连续带理论及其发展, 俄亥俄州立大学的领导行为四分图研究理论, 布莱克和莫顿的管理方格图理论, 菲德勒的领导情景理论,豪斯的途...

此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布
全文79页 约32000字 论述翔实
摘 要
几十年来,国内外的众多专家学者已经从个个角度,方向,内容对领导行为理论进行了系统的研究并取得了伟大的成就,这其中主要包括:坦南色姆的领导行为连续带理论及其发展, 俄亥俄州立大学的领导行为四分图研究理论, 布莱克和莫顿的管理方格图理论, 菲德勒的领导情景理论,豪斯的途径—目标理论,弗罗姆和耶顿的领导—参与模式。科曼提出,后由何赛和布兰卡发展的领导的生命周期理论等等。对领导行为的研究已经成了一个企业成功与否的关键因素。
During recent decades, a large number of experts inside or outside the country have researched Leadership Behaviors theories from various directions regularly and got a huge success. Among all these researches, they mainly include R.Tannenbaum theory and its development, Ohio Uri Leadership Behaviors Theory, Black and Morton Management Matrix theory,
F.E.Fiedler leading scene theory, Horse approach—aim theory, leading—enlist Model. Life Cycle Theory, which is pointed out by A.K.Karman and developed by Paul Heresy and Kenneth Blanchard. Research on Leadership Behaviors has become an essential element of judging an enterprise's success or failure. At the beginning of this article, it discusses the reasons of researching the importance of Leadership Behaviors: the leaders play an indispensable
role in the course of enterprise development. Secondly, it reviews some classical research of Leadership Behaviors and introduces the main concept of Leadership Behaviors: Decision-making,Warrant ,Incentive. Thirdly, it summarizes and introduces a usual technology of evaluating Leadership Behaviors. Furthermore, it shows the wrong Leadership Behaviors, which happens frequently. Also in this part, it provides a research angle of changing behaviors and some practical advice. The final part is the emphasis:It’s the questionnaire designed by me, I use the multilayer feedback to evaluate the leadership of our class and I make an appropriate proposal for them. As a kind of journal, hopefully this article is able to provide some useful information and views of further research on Leadership Behaviors. Key words: Leadership Behaviors, multilayer feedback, self-development plan
目 录
摘 要 1
目 录 4
前 言 6
1.1 相关重要概念和定义 6
1.2 背景 7
1.3 研究意义与重要性 8
第一章 现阶段领导行为研究的发展阶段和趋势 11
第二章 领导行为的内容以及几种经典理论模式 13
2.1 决策 14
2.2 授权 22
2.3 激励 26
2.4领导行为理论的几种经典模式 32
2.4.1 领导行为连续带理论及其发展 32
2.4.2俄亥俄州立大学的领导研究 34
2.4.3管理方格图理论 34
2.4.4领导的情景理论 35
2.4.5领导的生命周期理论 38
第三章 评估方法与改进策略 39
3.1 评估领导行为 40
3.2失败的领导行为 46
3.3改变已有的领导行为 57
3.3.1为什么要改变行为? 58
3.3.2开发计划 59
四 应用实例:我的问卷调查与发展计划书 63
4.1 调查问卷 63
4.2 问卷解析 67
4.3数据分析 68
4.4 我为他们设计的领导能力发展计划书 69
4.4.1黄小林的发展计划书 70
4.4.2李佩的发展计划书 72
总结 75
致谢 76
参考文献 77
18. 琼.玛格丽塔著:《什么是管理》,电子工业出版社2004年。
19. 凯茨.大卫斯著《组织行为学》,北京经济科学出版社1989年。
20. S.泰森、T.杰克逊著:《组织行为学》,上海中信出版社1997年。
21. Stephen.P.Robbins,Mary.Coultar.Management.7th Edition.Prentice-Hall Intenational,Inc,1997
22. Richard.L.Hughes,Robert.C.Ginnett,Gordon.J.Curphy leadership:Enhancing the Lessons of Experience,4th ed.
23. Gary Dessler,M.J.Wallace.Organizational Behavior and
全文79页 约32000字 论述翔实
摘 要
几十年来,国内外的众多专家学者已经从个个角度,方向,内容对领导行为理论进行了系统的研究并取得了伟大的成就,这其中主要包括:坦南色姆的领导行为连续带理论及其发展, 俄亥俄州立大学的领导行为四分图研究理论, 布莱克和莫顿的管理方格图理论, 菲德勒的领导情景理论,豪斯的途径—目标理论,弗罗姆和耶顿的领导—参与模式。科曼提出,后由何赛和布兰卡发展的领导的生命周期理论等等。对领导行为的研究已经成了一个企业成功与否的关键因素。
During recent decades, a large number of experts inside or outside the country have researched Leadership Behaviors theories from various directions regularly and got a huge success. Among all these researches, they mainly include R.Tannenbaum theory and its development, Ohio Uri Leadership Behaviors Theory, Black and Morton Management Matrix theory,
F.E.Fiedler leading scene theory, Horse approach—aim theory, leading—enlist Model. Life Cycle Theory, which is pointed out by A.K.Karman and developed by Paul Heresy and Kenneth Blanchard. Research on Leadership Behaviors has become an essential element of judging an enterprise's success or failure. At the beginning of this article, it discusses the reasons of researching the importance of Leadership Behaviors: the leaders play an indispensable
role in the course of enterprise development. Secondly, it reviews some classical research of Leadership Behaviors and introduces the main concept of Leadership Behaviors: Decision-making,Warrant ,Incentive. Thirdly, it summarizes and introduces a usual technology of evaluating Leadership Behaviors. Furthermore, it shows the wrong Leadership Behaviors, which happens frequently. Also in this part, it provides a research angle of changing behaviors and some practical advice. The final part is the emphasis:It’s the questionnaire designed by me, I use the multilayer feedback to evaluate the leadership of our class and I make an appropriate proposal for them. As a kind of journal, hopefully this article is able to provide some useful information and views of further research on Leadership Behaviors. Key words: Leadership Behaviors, multilayer feedback, self-development plan
目 录
摘 要 1
目 录 4
前 言 6
1.1 相关重要概念和定义 6
1.2 背景 7
1.3 研究意义与重要性 8
第一章 现阶段领导行为研究的发展阶段和趋势 11
第二章 领导行为的内容以及几种经典理论模式 13
2.1 决策 14
2.2 授权 22
2.3 激励 26
2.4领导行为理论的几种经典模式 32
2.4.1 领导行为连续带理论及其发展 32
2.4.2俄亥俄州立大学的领导研究 34
2.4.3管理方格图理论 34
2.4.4领导的情景理论 35
2.4.5领导的生命周期理论 38
第三章 评估方法与改进策略 39
3.1 评估领导行为 40
3.2失败的领导行为 46
3.3改变已有的领导行为 57
3.3.1为什么要改变行为? 58
3.3.2开发计划 59
四 应用实例:我的问卷调查与发展计划书 63
4.1 调查问卷 63
4.2 问卷解析 67
4.3数据分析 68
4.4 我为他们设计的领导能力发展计划书 69
4.4.1黄小林的发展计划书 70
4.4.2李佩的发展计划书 72
总结 75
致谢 76
参考文献 77
18. 琼.玛格丽塔著:《什么是管理》,电子工业出版社2004年。
19. 凯茨.大卫斯著《组织行为学》,北京经济科学出版社1989年。
20. S.泰森、T.杰克逊著:《组织行为学》,上海中信出版社1997年。
21. Stephen.P.Robbins,Mary.Coultar.Management.7th Edition.Prentice-Hall Intenational,Inc,1997
22. Richard.L.Hughes,Robert.C.Ginnett,Gordon.J.Curphy leadership:Enhancing the Lessons of Experience,4th ed.
23. Gary Dessler,M.J.Wallace.Organizational Behavior and