知识联盟分析研究,全文55页约23000字论述翔实摘 要知识经济时代,知识成为企业重要的资源。知识联盟作为一种新的战略联盟形式,是企业培养核心能力和获取竞争优势的一种有效途径。如何使知识联盟有效发挥作用并且克服效率低下的问题,关键是知识联盟界面的达到有效。本文借鉴有关知识联盟和界面管理的理论文献,对企业知识联盟界面有效性...

此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文55页 约23000字 论述翔实
摘 要
Knowledge is an important source for enterprises in knowledge economy age. Knowledge alliance, being a new form of strategy alliance, is an effective way to cultivate core competence and acquire competition advantage. How to keep knowledge alliance efficiency, the key way is to keep the knowledge alliance interface efficiency. This thesis drawing lessons from relate academic documents of knowledge alliance and interface managements, probed mainly into the knowledge alliance effectiveness in corporation in order to help corporations improve knowledge alliance interface effectiveness.
This paper uses interface management and knowledge alliance theory and in the foundation of reviews domestic and international research document about that, based on the content and connotation of interface effectiveness, define the concept of knowledge alliance interface effectiveness, analyses the influence factor of knowledge alliance interface effectiveness. Draw lessons from the research evaluate system and combining to the analysis of enterprise knowledge influence factor, setting up the evaluation index system of enterprise knowledge alliance interface effectiveness. It main includes six the first index, which is the knowledge alliance interface power, structure, function, leadership, environment and swiftness. Then uses the AHP method evaluates the first and second indexes weightiness. Uses the corporation names sxsr ltd as an example, and evaluate it by the forward evaluate system. Discusses the advance of enterprise knowledge alliance interface effectiveness counter plan and suggestion
The evaluate system and suggestion should help knowledge alliance corporation to advance their interface effectiveness.
Keywords: knowledge alliance;interface;interface effectiveness;Evaluate
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2.1知识联盟管理相关研究综述 2
1.2.2界面管理研究综述 8
1.2.3现有相关研究的不足及对本文的启示 10
1.3研究思路与框架 11
第二章 知识联盟界面有效性及其影响因素分析 13
2.1 企业知识联盟界面有效性的界定及基本特征 13
2.2企业知识联盟界面有效性的影响因素分析 16
2.2.1知识联盟界面实力 16
2.2.2知识联盟界面结构 17
2.2.3知识联盟界面功能 19
2.2.4知识联盟领导作用 21
2.2.5知识联盟界面环境 22
2.2.6知识联盟界面敏捷性 23
第三章 企业知识联盟界面有效性指标评价体系 24
3.1知识联盟界面有效性评价指标体系的设计原则 24
3.2知识联盟界面有效性评价指标体系的构建 26
第四章 SXSR公司知识联盟界面有效性分析 33
4.1 企业简介 33
4.2 SXSR公司知识联盟界面有效性评价指标体系的打分 34
4.3 SXSR公司知识联盟界面有效性分析 36
第五章 提高企业知识联盟界面有效性的对策与建议 38
5.1建立有效的企业知识联盟的管理体系 38
5.2建立健全有利于企业知识联盟的组织结构及流程 39
5.3促进知识联盟界面信息沟通,充分发挥激励作用 40
5.4 强化领导对知识联盟界面的重视,加强协调作用 41
5.5创造良好的企业文化氛围,提高各部门积极性与热情 42
5.6提高企业知识联盟对外界环境的敏捷性 43
第六章 结论及进一步研究的问题 44
6.1结论 44
6.2 进一步研究的问题 45
致 谢 47
参 考 文 献 48
全文55页 约23000字 论述翔实
摘 要
Knowledge is an important source for enterprises in knowledge economy age. Knowledge alliance, being a new form of strategy alliance, is an effective way to cultivate core competence and acquire competition advantage. How to keep knowledge alliance efficiency, the key way is to keep the knowledge alliance interface efficiency. This thesis drawing lessons from relate academic documents of knowledge alliance and interface managements, probed mainly into the knowledge alliance effectiveness in corporation in order to help corporations improve knowledge alliance interface effectiveness.
This paper uses interface management and knowledge alliance theory and in the foundation of reviews domestic and international research document about that, based on the content and connotation of interface effectiveness, define the concept of knowledge alliance interface effectiveness, analyses the influence factor of knowledge alliance interface effectiveness. Draw lessons from the research evaluate system and combining to the analysis of enterprise knowledge influence factor, setting up the evaluation index system of enterprise knowledge alliance interface effectiveness. It main includes six the first index, which is the knowledge alliance interface power, structure, function, leadership, environment and swiftness. Then uses the AHP method evaluates the first and second indexes weightiness. Uses the corporation names sxsr ltd as an example, and evaluate it by the forward evaluate system. Discusses the advance of enterprise knowledge alliance interface effectiveness counter plan and suggestion
The evaluate system and suggestion should help knowledge alliance corporation to advance their interface effectiveness.
Keywords: knowledge alliance;interface;interface effectiveness;Evaluate
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2.1知识联盟管理相关研究综述 2
1.2.2界面管理研究综述 8
1.2.3现有相关研究的不足及对本文的启示 10
1.3研究思路与框架 11
第二章 知识联盟界面有效性及其影响因素分析 13
2.1 企业知识联盟界面有效性的界定及基本特征 13
2.2企业知识联盟界面有效性的影响因素分析 16
2.2.1知识联盟界面实力 16
2.2.2知识联盟界面结构 17
2.2.3知识联盟界面功能 19
2.2.4知识联盟领导作用 21
2.2.5知识联盟界面环境 22
2.2.6知识联盟界面敏捷性 23
第三章 企业知识联盟界面有效性指标评价体系 24
3.1知识联盟界面有效性评价指标体系的设计原则 24
3.2知识联盟界面有效性评价指标体系的构建 26
第四章 SXSR公司知识联盟界面有效性分析 33
4.1 企业简介 33
4.2 SXSR公司知识联盟界面有效性评价指标体系的打分 34
4.3 SXSR公司知识联盟界面有效性分析 36
第五章 提高企业知识联盟界面有效性的对策与建议 38
5.1建立有效的企业知识联盟的管理体系 38
5.2建立健全有利于企业知识联盟的组织结构及流程 39
5.3促进知识联盟界面信息沟通,充分发挥激励作用 40
5.4 强化领导对知识联盟界面的重视,加强协调作用 41
5.5创造良好的企业文化氛围,提高各部门积极性与热情 42
5.6提高企业知识联盟对外界环境的敏捷性 43
第六章 结论及进一步研究的问题 44
6.1结论 44
6.2 进一步研究的问题 45
致 谢 47
参 考 文 献 48