生物医药产业发展战略研究,全文61页约22000字论述翔实摘 要生物医药产业作为高新技术产业的重要组成部分,现在已经成为与电子信息、新型材料、航天航空等并驾齐驱的热门产业。各国政府和地方政府都将其列为重点发展产业,可见其发展潜力。陕西省也必须将生物医药产业放在战略高度上加以重视,但陕西的生物医药产业起步相对晚,目前还存在...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文61页 约22000字 论述翔实
摘 要
The biomedicine industry is regarded as the important component of the new high-tech industry, having already became such hot industries running neck and neck as electronic information, new materials , spaceflight aviation ,etc. The governments and local governments of various countries give priority to the industry, though which we can see its development potentiality. Our province must put the biomedicine industry into the strategic height too.But the biomedicine industry of Shaanxi starts relatively late, a lot of questions exist at present, this text stands on the angle of the government department exploring tentatively the development strategy of the biological medicine in Shaanxi.
This text regards management theory of strategy as the frame of studying, cooperate with strategy to analyze models and system engineering method, have done analysis to current situation of the development and existing problem of the biological medicine trade of Shaanxi at first, made the necessity of the new development strategy by the government. Secondly through an analysis of industry's value chain of biological medicine of Shaanxi, it is learnt that there are certain advantages in the upper reaches research and development and production of the low reaches of value chain in Shaanxi Province, there is no comparative advantage on the pilot scale. Then analyzed to the external environment condition of the biological medicine industry of Shaanxi, the general environment of including the industry and industry's competition situation。Summarize the internal and external environment in SWOT model afterwards, draw the chance , the advantages of the threat , inside environment and inferior position of the external environment condition. And then on the basis of strategy guidelines, resources considering Shaanxi Province are limited, this text has proposed there is a sub industry of the development comparative advantage as the strategic scheme in four Shaanxi, adopt level analytic approach (AHP ) evaluate each sub scheme , is it develop genetic engineering medicine and diagnose medical instrument to draw. Also analyzed and proposed the policy suggestion on the concrete implementation of the scheme finally.
KEYWORDS Biomedicine ,Development strategy ,Analytical Hierarchy Process , Value chain
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2思路与方法 2
1.3内容与框架 3
第二章 理论综述 5
2.1战略管理的一般过程 5
2.1.1战略分析 5
2.1.2战略制定 6
2.1.3战略执行 6
2.2战略分析的方法和模型 6
2.2.1 SWOT分析模型 7
2.2.2 五力模型 7
2.2.3 层次分析法(AHP) 10
第三章 陕西生物医药产业内部环境分析 11
3.1基本状况 11
3.2 发展优势 12
3.3存在问题 14
3.4生物医药产业价值链分析 16
本章小结 20
第四章 陕西生物医药产业外部环境分析 21
4.1一般环境分析 21
4.1.1人口环境分析 21
4.1.2经济环境分析 22
4.1.3 政策和法律环境分析 23
4.1.4 技术环境分析 24
4.2竞争环境分析 24
4.2.1新进入者的威胁 24
4.2.2购买者讨价还价的能力 25
4.2.3供应商讨价还价的能力 26
4.2.4替代产品和服务的威胁 26
4.2.5产业内竞争者之间的激烈程度 27
本章小结 27
第五章 战略方案的设计及评价 28
5.1陕西生物医药产业整体环境评价 28
5.2 发展战略的提出 29
5.2.1 战略指导思想 29
5.2.2 战略基本原则 30
5.2.3 战略目标 30
5.2.4 战略方案的提出 31
5.3战略方案的评价 33
5.3.1 评价标准 33
5.3.2 评价过程 34
5.3.3 评价结果分析 40
本章小结 41
第六章 战略实施与建议 42
6.1具体实施步骤 42
6.2政策性建议 46
第七章 结论与不足 49
7.1 本文的主要工作和研究结论 49
7.2 本文写作工程中的心得与不足 49
7.2.1做成本文的心得 50
7.2.2本文的不足 51
致 谢 52
参考文献 53
【10】张存柱 《西安生物医药产业发展之后的原因及对策》 行业区域经济 2003.6
【11】张存柱 《西安生物医药产业发展之后的原因及对策》 行业区域经济 2003.6
【13】格里高利•G. 戴斯著 邱琼 刘辉锋译 《战略管理》中国财政经济出版社 2004.7
【14】毛嘉龙 《生物医药领域投资机会的选择》 大连理工大学 2002.3
【16】姚小涛 《上海GES会展公司业务发展战略研究》 西安交通大学 2005.4
全文61页 约22000字 论述翔实
摘 要
The biomedicine industry is regarded as the important component of the new high-tech industry, having already became such hot industries running neck and neck as electronic information, new materials , spaceflight aviation ,etc. The governments and local governments of various countries give priority to the industry, though which we can see its development potentiality. Our province must put the biomedicine industry into the strategic height too.But the biomedicine industry of Shaanxi starts relatively late, a lot of questions exist at present, this text stands on the angle of the government department exploring tentatively the development strategy of the biological medicine in Shaanxi.
This text regards management theory of strategy as the frame of studying, cooperate with strategy to analyze models and system engineering method, have done analysis to current situation of the development and existing problem of the biological medicine trade of Shaanxi at first, made the necessity of the new development strategy by the government. Secondly through an analysis of industry's value chain of biological medicine of Shaanxi, it is learnt that there are certain advantages in the upper reaches research and development and production of the low reaches of value chain in Shaanxi Province, there is no comparative advantage on the pilot scale. Then analyzed to the external environment condition of the biological medicine industry of Shaanxi, the general environment of including the industry and industry's competition situation。Summarize the internal and external environment in SWOT model afterwards, draw the chance , the advantages of the threat , inside environment and inferior position of the external environment condition. And then on the basis of strategy guidelines, resources considering Shaanxi Province are limited, this text has proposed there is a sub industry of the development comparative advantage as the strategic scheme in four Shaanxi, adopt level analytic approach (AHP ) evaluate each sub scheme , is it develop genetic engineering medicine and diagnose medical instrument to draw. Also analyzed and proposed the policy suggestion on the concrete implementation of the scheme finally.
KEYWORDS Biomedicine ,Development strategy ,Analytical Hierarchy Process , Value chain
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2思路与方法 2
1.3内容与框架 3
第二章 理论综述 5
2.1战略管理的一般过程 5
2.1.1战略分析 5
2.1.2战略制定 6
2.1.3战略执行 6
2.2战略分析的方法和模型 6
2.2.1 SWOT分析模型 7
2.2.2 五力模型 7
2.2.3 层次分析法(AHP) 10
第三章 陕西生物医药产业内部环境分析 11
3.1基本状况 11
3.2 发展优势 12
3.3存在问题 14
3.4生物医药产业价值链分析 16
本章小结 20
第四章 陕西生物医药产业外部环境分析 21
4.1一般环境分析 21
4.1.1人口环境分析 21
4.1.2经济环境分析 22
4.1.3 政策和法律环境分析 23
4.1.4 技术环境分析 24
4.2竞争环境分析 24
4.2.1新进入者的威胁 24
4.2.2购买者讨价还价的能力 25
4.2.3供应商讨价还价的能力 26
4.2.4替代产品和服务的威胁 26
4.2.5产业内竞争者之间的激烈程度 27
本章小结 27
第五章 战略方案的设计及评价 28
5.1陕西生物医药产业整体环境评价 28
5.2 发展战略的提出 29
5.2.1 战略指导思想 29
5.2.2 战略基本原则 30
5.2.3 战略目标 30
5.2.4 战略方案的提出 31
5.3战略方案的评价 33
5.3.1 评价标准 33
5.3.2 评价过程 34
5.3.3 评价结果分析 40
本章小结 41
第六章 战略实施与建议 42
6.1具体实施步骤 42
6.2政策性建议 46
第七章 结论与不足 49
7.1 本文的主要工作和研究结论 49
7.2 本文写作工程中的心得与不足 49
7.2.1做成本文的心得 50
7.2.2本文的不足 51
致 谢 52
参考文献 53
【10】张存柱 《西安生物医药产业发展之后的原因及对策》 行业区域经济 2003.6
【11】张存柱 《西安生物医药产业发展之后的原因及对策》 行业区域经济 2003.6
【13】格里高利•G. 戴斯著 邱琼 刘辉锋译 《战略管理》中国财政经济出版社 2004.7
【14】毛嘉龙 《生物医药领域投资机会的选择》 大连理工大学 2002.3
【16】姚小涛 《上海GES会展公司业务发展战略研究》 西安交通大学 2005.4