层次法聚类算法在中国石油湖北公司客户细分中的应用,全文85页约30000字论述翔实摘 要中国加入wto后,承诺逐步开放成品油的批发和零售业务。目前,大量的国际巨头石油财团正纷至踏入中国市场,加剧了该市场的竞争。对此,中国石油湖北公司为了能在竞争激烈的成品油市场中站稳脚跟,应重新考虑新的竞争战略,识别和提升自身的核心竞争能...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文85页 约30000字 论述翔实
摘 要
本文的目的是对中国石油湖北公司现有的客户进行细分,识别出公司中最有价值的客户。首先,本文研究了各种常用的层次法(hierarchical method)聚类算法,总结了各个算法的利弊,对各个算法的多方面性能作了一个总体的、较全面的比较;接着,整合了BIRCH算法与CHAMELEON算法的核心思想,以此作为客户细分的数据挖掘技术,并用JAVA语言实现了该算法整合;然后,从基于购买行为的角度,比较、分析了RFM法(Recency Frequency Monetary value)和MARCUS提出的客户价值矩阵(Customer Value Matrix)的利弊,选用客户价值矩阵作为客户细分的分析框架;随后,对中国石油湖北公司现有的客户进行聚类,并以该公司的客户数据为实验对象,比较、分析了算法的整合较BIRCH算法与CHAMELEON算法的优越性;最后,运用客户价值矩阵解释、分析了算法整合的聚类结果,并针对最有价值的客户群提出了客户保持策略。
【关 键 字】:数据挖掘,聚类,客户关系管理,客户价值矩阵,客户细分
After entry into the WTO, China has ensured to open the wholesale and retail businesses in oil market widely. Nowadays, the competition in oil market has become more and more fierce , for there are a large number of consortiums entering China. Therefore, the branch of Chinese Petroleum Corp. in Hubei Province should adopt new competition strategies, discern and improve its core competence in order to survive in such a competitive oil market. Currently, effective Customer Relationship Management(CRM) is deemed to be a key factor in improving core competence, meanwhile accurate customer classification is the prerequisite of CRM.
Currently, there mainly exist two weak points in the Business Management System of the branch of Chinese Petroleum Corp. in HUBEI Province:1)Customer Classification is too subjective and unscientific;2)The Database has massive customer datum with low informative. Thus, how to classify customers accurately and identify the highly valuable customers of the Corporation are the problems which should be solved without delay.
The main purpose of this thesis is to classify the existing customers and identify the highly valuable customers in the branch of Chinese Petroleum Corp. in Hubei Province. Firstly, this thesis analyzes all kinds of commonly used Clustering Algorithms of hierarchical methods, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of these algorithms, and compares the performances among these algorithms in general. Secondly, this thesis integrates the core principles of BIRCH algorithm and CHAMELEON algorithm, which are used as the data mining technology, and realizes the integrated-algorithm in JAVA. Thirdly, this thesis compares the RFM(Recency Frequency Monetary Value) with Customer Value Matrix proposed by MARCUS, based on purchasing-behavior, and uses Customer Value Matrix as the framework of customer classification. Fourthly, this thesis clusters the existing customers in the branch of Chinese Petroleum Corp. in HUBEI Province, and compares the integrated-algorithm with the BIRCH algorithm and CHAMELEON algorithm in performance respectively, based on the customer datum. Finally, this thesis explains and analyzes the clustering result of integrated-algorithm with Customer Value Matrix, and proposes some customer-retaining tactics according to the highly valuable customers.
【Key words】:Data Mining, Clustering, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Value Matrix, Customer Segmentation
【Type of Thesis】:Applied Research
第一章 绪论 10
1.1 研究背景 10
1.2 问题描述 10
1.3 研究思路和方法 11
1.4 论文的主要内容 12
第二章 数据挖掘与聚类的理论综述 13
2.1数据挖掘 13
2.1.1数据挖掘的概念 13
2.1.2数据挖掘的分类 13
2.1.3数据挖掘的基本过程 14
2.1.4数据挖掘的目的 15
2.2聚类分析 16
2.2.1聚类分析的概念 16
2.2.2聚类方法的分类 16
2.2.3聚类技术在客户关系管理中的应用 18
2.3 聚类分析与数据挖掘的关系 19
第三章 层次法聚类算法研究 20
3.1层次法聚类算法的概念 20
3.2 六种常用的层次法聚类算法研究 21
3.2.1单链接法 21
3.2.2全链接法 23
3.2.3 CURE算法 24
3.2.4 ROCK算法 27
3.2.5 四种层次法聚类算法的共同缺陷 30
3.2.6 CHAMELEON算法 33
3.2.7 BIRCH算法 38
3.3 层次法聚类算法小结 42
3.4算法整合 42
3.4.1算法整合的描述 42
3.4.2算法的程序设计 43
3.4.3算法整合后的时间复杂度分析 44
第四章 客户细分 46
4.1 客户关系管理的概念 46
4.2 客户细分与客户保持的概念 46
4.3 现有客户的重要性 46
4.4客户细分框架的分析 47
4.5 客户细分框架的选取 50
第五章 BIRCH算法与CHAMELEON算法的整合及其在客户细分中的应用 52
5.1 聚类目的 52
5.2数据预处理 52
5.2.1数据选择 52
5.2.2数据清理 53
5.2.3数据转换 53
5.2.4数据归约 55
5.3算法的整合在客户细分中的应用 55
5.3.1聚类阶段1——BIRCH算法 55
5.3.2聚类阶段2——CHAMELEON算法 60
5.3.3聚类结果评价 61
5.3.4聚类结果检验与解释 62
5.3.5孤立点分析 64
5.4 CHAMELEON算法与算法整合的比较 65
5.4.1运用CHAMELEON算法对公司现有的客户进行聚类 65
5.4.2 CHAMELEON算法与算法整合的聚类效果的比较 66
5.4.3 CHAMELEON算法与算法整合计算效率的比较 67
5.4.4 CHAMELEON算法与算法整合的性能小节 67
5.4 客户分类 68
5.4.1客户类型描述 68
5.4.2 最优客户 69
5.4.3 经常性客户 71
5.4.4 乐于消费型客户 72
5.4.5 不确定性客户 74
5.5 80/20法则 75
5.6 客户保持策略 75
5.6.1重点发展与大客户的关系 75
5.6.2锁定策略 77
第六章 结论 78
6.1 结论、工作与贡献 78
6.2本文的局限性 79
致谢 81
参考文献 82
【31】陈明亮, 袁泽沛, 李怀祖. 客户保持动态模型的研究. 武汉大学学报(社会科学版), Vol154, No16 Nov. 2001:675-684.
【32】刘义,万迪昉,张鹏. 基于购买行为的客户细分方法比较研究 .管理科学,2003, 16(1):69-72.
【33】Timothy Bock , Mark Uncles. A taxonomy of differences between consumers for market segmentation, Intern. J. of Research in Marketing , 2002 ,19:215–224.
【34】赵玉臣,在商品营销中如何防范老客户的流失,平原大学学报, 2004,21卷第四期.
【36】Carl Shapiro Hal Varian著,张帆译,信息规则——网络经济的策略指导,中国人民大学出版社,2000:(91-117).
全文85页 约30000字 论述翔实
摘 要
本文的目的是对中国石油湖北公司现有的客户进行细分,识别出公司中最有价值的客户。首先,本文研究了各种常用的层次法(hierarchical method)聚类算法,总结了各个算法的利弊,对各个算法的多方面性能作了一个总体的、较全面的比较;接着,整合了BIRCH算法与CHAMELEON算法的核心思想,以此作为客户细分的数据挖掘技术,并用JAVA语言实现了该算法整合;然后,从基于购买行为的角度,比较、分析了RFM法(Recency Frequency Monetary value)和MARCUS提出的客户价值矩阵(Customer Value Matrix)的利弊,选用客户价值矩阵作为客户细分的分析框架;随后,对中国石油湖北公司现有的客户进行聚类,并以该公司的客户数据为实验对象,比较、分析了算法的整合较BIRCH算法与CHAMELEON算法的优越性;最后,运用客户价值矩阵解释、分析了算法整合的聚类结果,并针对最有价值的客户群提出了客户保持策略。
【关 键 字】:数据挖掘,聚类,客户关系管理,客户价值矩阵,客户细分
After entry into the WTO, China has ensured to open the wholesale and retail businesses in oil market widely. Nowadays, the competition in oil market has become more and more fierce , for there are a large number of consortiums entering China. Therefore, the branch of Chinese Petroleum Corp. in Hubei Province should adopt new competition strategies, discern and improve its core competence in order to survive in such a competitive oil market. Currently, effective Customer Relationship Management(CRM) is deemed to be a key factor in improving core competence, meanwhile accurate customer classification is the prerequisite of CRM.
Currently, there mainly exist two weak points in the Business Management System of the branch of Chinese Petroleum Corp. in HUBEI Province:1)Customer Classification is too subjective and unscientific;2)The Database has massive customer datum with low informative. Thus, how to classify customers accurately and identify the highly valuable customers of the Corporation are the problems which should be solved without delay.
The main purpose of this thesis is to classify the existing customers and identify the highly valuable customers in the branch of Chinese Petroleum Corp. in Hubei Province. Firstly, this thesis analyzes all kinds of commonly used Clustering Algorithms of hierarchical methods, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of these algorithms, and compares the performances among these algorithms in general. Secondly, this thesis integrates the core principles of BIRCH algorithm and CHAMELEON algorithm, which are used as the data mining technology, and realizes the integrated-algorithm in JAVA. Thirdly, this thesis compares the RFM(Recency Frequency Monetary Value) with Customer Value Matrix proposed by MARCUS, based on purchasing-behavior, and uses Customer Value Matrix as the framework of customer classification. Fourthly, this thesis clusters the existing customers in the branch of Chinese Petroleum Corp. in HUBEI Province, and compares the integrated-algorithm with the BIRCH algorithm and CHAMELEON algorithm in performance respectively, based on the customer datum. Finally, this thesis explains and analyzes the clustering result of integrated-algorithm with Customer Value Matrix, and proposes some customer-retaining tactics according to the highly valuable customers.
【Key words】:Data Mining, Clustering, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Value Matrix, Customer Segmentation
【Type of Thesis】:Applied Research
第一章 绪论 10
1.1 研究背景 10
1.2 问题描述 10
1.3 研究思路和方法 11
1.4 论文的主要内容 12
第二章 数据挖掘与聚类的理论综述 13
2.1数据挖掘 13
2.1.1数据挖掘的概念 13
2.1.2数据挖掘的分类 13
2.1.3数据挖掘的基本过程 14
2.1.4数据挖掘的目的 15
2.2聚类分析 16
2.2.1聚类分析的概念 16
2.2.2聚类方法的分类 16
2.2.3聚类技术在客户关系管理中的应用 18
2.3 聚类分析与数据挖掘的关系 19
第三章 层次法聚类算法研究 20
3.1层次法聚类算法的概念 20
3.2 六种常用的层次法聚类算法研究 21
3.2.1单链接法 21
3.2.2全链接法 23
3.2.3 CURE算法 24
3.2.4 ROCK算法 27
3.2.5 四种层次法聚类算法的共同缺陷 30
3.2.6 CHAMELEON算法 33
3.2.7 BIRCH算法 38
3.3 层次法聚类算法小结 42
3.4算法整合 42
3.4.1算法整合的描述 42
3.4.2算法的程序设计 43
3.4.3算法整合后的时间复杂度分析 44
第四章 客户细分 46
4.1 客户关系管理的概念 46
4.2 客户细分与客户保持的概念 46
4.3 现有客户的重要性 46
4.4客户细分框架的分析 47
4.5 客户细分框架的选取 50
第五章 BIRCH算法与CHAMELEON算法的整合及其在客户细分中的应用 52
5.1 聚类目的 52
5.2数据预处理 52
5.2.1数据选择 52
5.2.2数据清理 53
5.2.3数据转换 53
5.2.4数据归约 55
5.3算法的整合在客户细分中的应用 55
5.3.1聚类阶段1——BIRCH算法 55
5.3.2聚类阶段2——CHAMELEON算法 60
5.3.3聚类结果评价 61
5.3.4聚类结果检验与解释 62
5.3.5孤立点分析 64
5.4 CHAMELEON算法与算法整合的比较 65
5.4.1运用CHAMELEON算法对公司现有的客户进行聚类 65
5.4.2 CHAMELEON算法与算法整合的聚类效果的比较 66
5.4.3 CHAMELEON算法与算法整合计算效率的比较 67
5.4.4 CHAMELEON算法与算法整合的性能小节 67
5.4 客户分类 68
5.4.1客户类型描述 68
5.4.2 最优客户 69
5.4.3 经常性客户 71
5.4.4 乐于消费型客户 72
5.4.5 不确定性客户 74
5.5 80/20法则 75
5.6 客户保持策略 75
5.6.1重点发展与大客户的关系 75
5.6.2锁定策略 77
第六章 结论 78
6.1 结论、工作与贡献 78
6.2本文的局限性 79
致谢 81
参考文献 82
【31】陈明亮, 袁泽沛, 李怀祖. 客户保持动态模型的研究. 武汉大学学报(社会科学版), Vol154, No16 Nov. 2001:675-684.
【32】刘义,万迪昉,张鹏. 基于购买行为的客户细分方法比较研究 .管理科学,2003, 16(1):69-72.
【33】Timothy Bock , Mark Uncles. A taxonomy of differences between consumers for market segmentation, Intern. J. of Research in Marketing , 2002 ,19:215–224.
【34】赵玉臣,在商品营销中如何防范老客户的流失,平原大学学报, 2004,21卷第四期.
【36】Carl Shapiro Hal Varian著,张帆译,信息规则——网络经济的策略指导,中国人民大学出版社,2000:(91-117).