浅述上市公司并购重组中的资产重组,全文19页 约13000字论述翔实目录摘要3abstract41引言52上市公司资产重组的发展脉络62.1上市公司资产重组处于试探阶段62.2以协议收购和区域性重组为主的资产重组浪潮62.3实质性资产重组浪潮的悄然兴起73 资产重组主体范围73.1重组方73.2重组目标公司73.3原控股...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文19页 约13000字 论述翔实
目 录
摘要…………………………………………………………………………… 3
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………… 4
1引言………………………………………………………………………… 5
2上市公司资产重组的发展脉络…………………………………………… 6
2.1上市公司资产重组处于试探阶段………………………………… 6
2.2以协议收购和区域性重组为主的资产重组浪潮………………… 6
2.3实质性资产重组浪潮的悄然兴起………………………………… 7
3 资产重组主体范围………………………………………………………… 7
3.1重组方……………………………………………………………… 7
3.2重组目标公司……………………………………………………… 7
3.3原控股股东………………………………………………………… 8
3.4政府及相关机构…………………………………………………… 8
4资产重组对资产评估的影响……………………………………………… 9
4.1资产范围的变化…………………………………………………… 9
4.2资产负债结构的变化……………………………………………… 9
4.3收益水平的变化…………………………………………………… 9
4.4成本加和法与采用收益现值法得到的评估值存在差异的表现… 10
4.5是否包括流动资产对评估方法的选择和使用的影响…………… 10
5上市公司资产重组中资产评估业务的特点……………………………… 11
5.1从交易价格看……………………………………………………… 11
5.2从采用的评估方法看……………………………………………… 11
5.3评估结果通常较原账面值增幅较大……………………………… 12
6上市公司资产重组中资产评估业务存在的突出问题…………………… 12
6.1企业并购过程中的政府干预对资产评估产生影响……………… 12
6.2根据不同的评估目的确定合理的评估价值类型和评估范围…… 13
6.3企业并购的评估方法选择受到限制,影响评估结果……………… 14
6.4评估行业缺少法律、法规、行业准则和具体的操作规范……… 14
6.5评估机构执业质量不高,缺乏公正性和独立性………………… 15
6.5.1评估师执业水准不高……………………………………… 15
6.5.2评估师选择和运用的评估方法不合理…………………… 15
6.5.3运用评估方法时未合理考虑有关因素…………………… 15
6.5.4资产评估机构的独立性未引起足够重视………………… 15
6.6对评估机构及其人员的监管较为薄弱…………………………… 16
7积极采取措施,推进资产评估在上市公司并购重组中有效发挥作用… 16
7.1抓紧完善资产评估规范…………………………………………… 16
7.2加大监管力度,同时厘定评估机构的责任……………………… 17
7.3建立评估行业的市场公信度……………………………………… 17
7.4加强监管机构之间的协作………………………………………… 17
参考文献……………………………………………………………………… 18
摘 要
Along with the gradually deepening of our country’s market economy, private economy and foreign capital develop very fast. In order to improve the efficiency of resource allocation and the quality of economical operation, there immerges more and more merge and acquisition between different enterprises. After we join the WTO, state - owned and collectively - owned enterprises restructured, state-owned capital got out of the competitive industry, other economic sectors wanted to join, property reorganization and merging issues became more and more popular. These all concern how to carry on the property valuation in the relevant property. It is very important to evaluate the property reasonably to make sure the acquisition. Meanwhile, ensuring the smooth reorganization of state-owned and collectively -owned enterprises and reducing the loss of state assets is also very important. In the listed companies’ acquisition, assets pricing must be involved. As assets valuation is objective, egalitarian and professional in valuation, both parties always use it as the main basis to determine the negotiable price.
The preface introduces the definition of listed companies’ acquisition and its intrinsic qualities, that is the reasonable price for negotiable assets or rights. My thesis will focus on assets reorganization in the listed companies’ acquisition. Firstly, the thesis clarifies the development grain of the listed company property reorganization; Secondly, analyze the main anticipants in assets reorganization; Thirdly, concretely interpret the influence and characters of assets valuation in listed companies’ assets reorganization. At last, the thesis mentions the big questions in assets valuation. Meanwhile, it gives some suggestions in how to take measures to improve the effective value in the assets valuation of listed companies’ acquisition.
Key words: Listed Companies, Assets reorganization, Assets Valuation
5. 龙贵川,《上市公司的财务漏洞——资产增值、保值和避险》科学决策,2004年08期
6. 安青松,《国上市公司质量问题和改进建议》, 证券市场导报 2004年03期
7. 王正斌,洪安玲,《我国上市公司分拆行为的分析与思考》, 管理世界2004年05期
. 王庆娟,邓丽丽,《我国上市公司资本结构浅析》, 黑龙江对外经贸,2004年05期
. 许劲波,《我国上市公司资本结构现状与优化》,市场研究,2004年07期
. 贺维国,《优化上市公司资本结构浅析》, 事业财会,2004年02期
. 马毅颖,杨海贤,《企业资产重组——资本市场永恒的话题》, 中国电力企业管理,2004年11期
. 曹榕,《关于上市公司制度缺陷的探析》商场现代化,2004年12期
. 安慧,《上市公司并购重组与企业整体资产评估》, 郑州轻工业学院学报(社会科学版),2003年02期
. 张新,《资产重组是否创造价值?——中国证券市场的理论与实证研究》,经济研究,2003年06期
全文19页 约13000字 论述翔实
目 录
摘要…………………………………………………………………………… 3
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………… 4
1引言………………………………………………………………………… 5
2上市公司资产重组的发展脉络…………………………………………… 6
2.1上市公司资产重组处于试探阶段………………………………… 6
2.2以协议收购和区域性重组为主的资产重组浪潮………………… 6
2.3实质性资产重组浪潮的悄然兴起………………………………… 7
3 资产重组主体范围………………………………………………………… 7
3.1重组方……………………………………………………………… 7
3.2重组目标公司……………………………………………………… 7
3.3原控股股东………………………………………………………… 8
3.4政府及相关机构…………………………………………………… 8
4资产重组对资产评估的影响……………………………………………… 9
4.1资产范围的变化…………………………………………………… 9
4.2资产负债结构的变化……………………………………………… 9
4.3收益水平的变化…………………………………………………… 9
4.4成本加和法与采用收益现值法得到的评估值存在差异的表现… 10
4.5是否包括流动资产对评估方法的选择和使用的影响…………… 10
5上市公司资产重组中资产评估业务的特点……………………………… 11
5.1从交易价格看……………………………………………………… 11
5.2从采用的评估方法看……………………………………………… 11
5.3评估结果通常较原账面值增幅较大……………………………… 12
6上市公司资产重组中资产评估业务存在的突出问题…………………… 12
6.1企业并购过程中的政府干预对资产评估产生影响……………… 12
6.2根据不同的评估目的确定合理的评估价值类型和评估范围…… 13
6.3企业并购的评估方法选择受到限制,影响评估结果……………… 14
6.4评估行业缺少法律、法规、行业准则和具体的操作规范……… 14
6.5评估机构执业质量不高,缺乏公正性和独立性………………… 15
6.5.1评估师执业水准不高……………………………………… 15
6.5.2评估师选择和运用的评估方法不合理…………………… 15
6.5.3运用评估方法时未合理考虑有关因素…………………… 15
6.5.4资产评估机构的独立性未引起足够重视………………… 15
6.6对评估机构及其人员的监管较为薄弱…………………………… 16
7积极采取措施,推进资产评估在上市公司并购重组中有效发挥作用… 16
7.1抓紧完善资产评估规范…………………………………………… 16
7.2加大监管力度,同时厘定评估机构的责任……………………… 17
7.3建立评估行业的市场公信度……………………………………… 17
7.4加强监管机构之间的协作………………………………………… 17
参考文献……………………………………………………………………… 18
摘 要
Along with the gradually deepening of our country’s market economy, private economy and foreign capital develop very fast. In order to improve the efficiency of resource allocation and the quality of economical operation, there immerges more and more merge and acquisition between different enterprises. After we join the WTO, state - owned and collectively - owned enterprises restructured, state-owned capital got out of the competitive industry, other economic sectors wanted to join, property reorganization and merging issues became more and more popular. These all concern how to carry on the property valuation in the relevant property. It is very important to evaluate the property reasonably to make sure the acquisition. Meanwhile, ensuring the smooth reorganization of state-owned and collectively -owned enterprises and reducing the loss of state assets is also very important. In the listed companies’ acquisition, assets pricing must be involved. As assets valuation is objective, egalitarian and professional in valuation, both parties always use it as the main basis to determine the negotiable price.
The preface introduces the definition of listed companies’ acquisition and its intrinsic qualities, that is the reasonable price for negotiable assets or rights. My thesis will focus on assets reorganization in the listed companies’ acquisition. Firstly, the thesis clarifies the development grain of the listed company property reorganization; Secondly, analyze the main anticipants in assets reorganization; Thirdly, concretely interpret the influence and characters of assets valuation in listed companies’ assets reorganization. At last, the thesis mentions the big questions in assets valuation. Meanwhile, it gives some suggestions in how to take measures to improve the effective value in the assets valuation of listed companies’ acquisition.
Key words: Listed Companies, Assets reorganization, Assets Valuation
5. 龙贵川,《上市公司的财务漏洞——资产增值、保值和避险》科学决策,2004年08期
6. 安青松,《国上市公司质量问题和改进建议》, 证券市场导报 2004年03期
7. 王正斌,洪安玲,《我国上市公司分拆行为的分析与思考》, 管理世界2004年05期
. 王庆娟,邓丽丽,《我国上市公司资本结构浅析》, 黑龙江对外经贸,2004年05期
. 许劲波,《我国上市公司资本结构现状与优化》,市场研究,2004年07期
. 贺维国,《优化上市公司资本结构浅析》, 事业财会,2004年02期
. 马毅颖,杨海贤,《企业资产重组——资本市场永恒的话题》, 中国电力企业管理,2004年11期
. 曹榕,《关于上市公司制度缺陷的探析》商场现代化,2004年12期
. 安慧,《上市公司并购重组与企业整体资产评估》, 郑州轻工业学院学报(社会科学版),2003年02期
. 张新,《资产重组是否创造价值?——中国证券市场的理论与实证研究》,经济研究,2003年06期