个人电子商务管理系统的设计与实现,页数 30 字数 11539摘要:现代化商业大市场、大流通、大商业发展的前提是高度发达的社会信息化,在对个人进销存业务分析的基础上,提出了作者自己的构造和实现方案。在进销存系统中,最值得关注的是物流,进、销、存是企业内部物流的三个主要业务环节,是进销存系统管理的重点,伴随物流的资金流、信...

此文档由会员 赵亮 发布
页数 30 字数 11539
1、进销存业务以解决信息管理系统的主要开发技术,全面介绍了当今最流行的数据库技术和软件开发技术,对C / S结构模型进行了重点阐述。
Abstract:The precondition of modernized market and circulation and business development is being informational society. On the base of analyzing the operations of purchase and delivery and inventory in personal business , the article offers the author’s construction and realization scheme in allusion to the purchase and inventory and delivery management systems in personal business. In the same time, for considering the efficiency and expansibility, author chose Visual Basic as the development tool and ADO as connecting database, so that it preferably satisfied the requirements of system design.
In the system of purchase-delivery-inventory, the matter flow should mostly pay attention to. And purchase and delivery and inventory are mainly three operations in the interior of corporation which are keystone of management system. The complexion of suppliers and customers and personnel related to operation also is the content of management system going with matter and capital and information flows.
Author did a great deal of work for the sake of system realization. Due to the system development had finished, the article emphasizes the analyst and design work. The article is mainly about:
1. The leading development technology of information management system. It fully introduces the most popular database and software development technology, and emphasizes the C/S construction frame.
2. The common functions of software about purchase-delivery-inventory. It particularly introduces the basic functions and database design of system.
3. The system operations analyst and particular design of each module. It emphasizes the modules construction and the operation flows of purchase and delivery and inventory.
Key Words: database, MIS, Purchase-Delivery-Inventory
[1] Microsoft公司.Microsoft SQL Server 2000资源大全[M],北京,机械工业出版社,2000
[2] 李向强.Microsoft SQL Server 2000应用指南[M], 北京,电子工业出版社,2001
[3] Greg Buczek,MCSD.MCT, 李博译.SP应用开发指南,科学出版社,2001
[4] 《Visual Basic.net范例 入门与提高》 清华大学出版社
[5] 《Visual Basic Script 开发实例》 机械工业出版社
页数 30 字数 11539
1、进销存业务以解决信息管理系统的主要开发技术,全面介绍了当今最流行的数据库技术和软件开发技术,对C / S结构模型进行了重点阐述。
Abstract:The precondition of modernized market and circulation and business development is being informational society. On the base of analyzing the operations of purchase and delivery and inventory in personal business , the article offers the author’s construction and realization scheme in allusion to the purchase and inventory and delivery management systems in personal business. In the same time, for considering the efficiency and expansibility, author chose Visual Basic as the development tool and ADO as connecting database, so that it preferably satisfied the requirements of system design.
In the system of purchase-delivery-inventory, the matter flow should mostly pay attention to. And purchase and delivery and inventory are mainly three operations in the interior of corporation which are keystone of management system. The complexion of suppliers and customers and personnel related to operation also is the content of management system going with matter and capital and information flows.
Author did a great deal of work for the sake of system realization. Due to the system development had finished, the article emphasizes the analyst and design work. The article is mainly about:
1. The leading development technology of information management system. It fully introduces the most popular database and software development technology, and emphasizes the C/S construction frame.
2. The common functions of software about purchase-delivery-inventory. It particularly introduces the basic functions and database design of system.
3. The system operations analyst and particular design of each module. It emphasizes the modules construction and the operation flows of purchase and delivery and inventory.
Key Words: database, MIS, Purchase-Delivery-Inventory
[1] Microsoft公司.Microsoft SQL Server 2000资源大全[M],北京,机械工业出版社,2000
[2] 李向强.Microsoft SQL Server 2000应用指南[M], 北京,电子工业出版社,2001
[3] Greg Buczek,MCSD.MCT, 李博译.SP应用开发指南,科学出版社,2001
[4] 《Visual Basic.net范例 入门与提高》 清华大学出版社
[5] 《Visual Basic Script 开发实例》 机械工业出版社