
此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文88页 约54000字 论述翔实
摘 要
循环经济是可持续发展的绿色经济,本文通过对循环经济产生的背景、由来及意义的介绍充分说明了发展循环经济,是人类社会的必然选择。循环经济不同于传统经济,表现为低消耗、低污染、高利用率和高循环率,是符合可持续发展原则的经济发展模式。在西方国家,循环经济已经成为一股潮流和趋势。本文通过对循环经济的本质内涵进行深入分析,并与传统经济进行比较认为传统经济已是一种过时的经济模式, 循环经济使物质资源得到充分、合理的利用,把经济活动对自然环境的影响降低到尽可能小的程度,其主要原则就是“三R”法则,包含农业废弃物再生利用模式, 企业内部物料循环模式等多种运行模式。本文中列举了传统模式下我国的严峻形势及问题,认为我国迫切要求发展循环经济,庆幸的是我国发展循环经济已具有了一定的基础,我们要在党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神的指引下,加速我国循环经济的发展。最后本文从观念政策到经济法律等方面提出了促进我国循环经济发展的对策与策略。
The circulating economy is a green economy that can sustainable development, this paper by means of the introduction to background of the circulation economic brought, cause and meaning to explain well that development circulation economy, is inevitable choice of human society.The circulating economy differs from the tradition economy, the performance is the low depletion, low pollution, high utilization and high circulation rate, is to match economic development mode that can keep on to develop the principle. the west, circulation economic have already become a current and trend.This paper by means of to carry on the thorough analysis to the essence and content of the circulating economy, and compare with traditional economy to think the tradition the economy is already a kind of dated economic mode, circulating economy make of material resources to get full, reasonable of exploitation, be as low as the possibly small degree to the influence of the economic activities upon the natural environment, its main principle is" three Rs" rule, including the agriculture wastes rebirth to make use of the mode, internal material of business enterprise circulation the mode etc various modes. It enumerated the traditional mode in this paper the rigorous situation and problems of the our country, thought our country urgently request to develop circulation economy, what to rejoice is our country circulating economy has already had the certain foundation, we want to be under the party of 16th bigly and 16th third in wholely the meeting the guide line of the spirit, accelerate the development of the our country circulating economy.finally paper from the idea and policy to economic and law etc to present countermeaure and the strategy to development of our country circulating economy.
Key words: Circulating economy, tradition economy, sustainable development, countermeaure
1 绪论 ………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 可持续发展战略的由来 ……………………………………………1
1.2 循环经济在实施可持续发展战略的进程中应运而生 ………………… 3
1.3 发展循环经济的意义 …………………………………………………… 3
2 循环经济的内涵与实质 ………………………………………………… 6
2.1 与传统经济的不同之处 ………………………………………………… 6
2.2 循环经济的优越性 ……………………………………………………… 7
2.3 循环经济兼顾发展与环保,克服两难 …………………………………… 8
2.4 发展循环经济的基本途径和重点 ………………………………………… 9
2.5 循环经济的六种运行模式 ……………………………………………… 11
2.6 发展循环经济的终极目标是谋求人类的全面发展 …………………… 12
3 我国的现状 ……………………………………………………………… 13
3.1 我国的严峻形势 ………………………………………………………… 13
3.2 我国发展循环经济已有一定基础 ……………………………………… 15
3.3 党的十六大和十六届三中全会关于发展循环
经济的指导思想、主要原则和近期目标………………………………… 16
4 推进循环经济对策策略 ………………………………………………… 17
4.1 提高认识,转变观念,增强发展循环经济的紧迫感和责任感 ……… 17
4.2 运用系统工程的方法,进行循环经济战略研究 …………………… 17
4.3 运用法律手段,引导和规范循环经济的发展 ………………………… 18
4.4 运用科技手段,为推进循环经济提供强有力的支撑 ………………… 18
4.5 运用经济手段,建立有利于循环经济的投入机制 …………………… 18
4.6 加大示范试点和典型企业的推动和辐射作用 ………………………… 19
4.7 强化政策导向,坚持鼓励与限制相结合,形
成循环经济发展的激励机制 …………………………………………… 19
4.8 推动公众参与 ………………………………………………………… 19
5 未来展望 ………………………………………………………………… 20
谢辞 …………………………………………………………………………… 21
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………… 22
[19]王格芳,王成新.循环经济推动可持续发展[J].学习时报,2003, 03-11.
全文88页 约54000字 论述翔实
摘 要
循环经济是可持续发展的绿色经济,本文通过对循环经济产生的背景、由来及意义的介绍充分说明了发展循环经济,是人类社会的必然选择。循环经济不同于传统经济,表现为低消耗、低污染、高利用率和高循环率,是符合可持续发展原则的经济发展模式。在西方国家,循环经济已经成为一股潮流和趋势。本文通过对循环经济的本质内涵进行深入分析,并与传统经济进行比较认为传统经济已是一种过时的经济模式, 循环经济使物质资源得到充分、合理的利用,把经济活动对自然环境的影响降低到尽可能小的程度,其主要原则就是“三R”法则,包含农业废弃物再生利用模式, 企业内部物料循环模式等多种运行模式。本文中列举了传统模式下我国的严峻形势及问题,认为我国迫切要求发展循环经济,庆幸的是我国发展循环经济已具有了一定的基础,我们要在党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神的指引下,加速我国循环经济的发展。最后本文从观念政策到经济法律等方面提出了促进我国循环经济发展的对策与策略。
The circulating economy is a green economy that can sustainable development, this paper by means of the introduction to background of the circulation economic brought, cause and meaning to explain well that development circulation economy, is inevitable choice of human society.The circulating economy differs from the tradition economy, the performance is the low depletion, low pollution, high utilization and high circulation rate, is to match economic development mode that can keep on to develop the principle. the west, circulation economic have already become a current and trend.This paper by means of to carry on the thorough analysis to the essence and content of the circulating economy, and compare with traditional economy to think the tradition the economy is already a kind of dated economic mode, circulating economy make of material resources to get full, reasonable of exploitation, be as low as the possibly small degree to the influence of the economic activities upon the natural environment, its main principle is" three Rs" rule, including the agriculture wastes rebirth to make use of the mode, internal material of business enterprise circulation the mode etc various modes. It enumerated the traditional mode in this paper the rigorous situation and problems of the our country, thought our country urgently request to develop circulation economy, what to rejoice is our country circulating economy has already had the certain foundation, we want to be under the party of 16th bigly and 16th third in wholely the meeting the guide line of the spirit, accelerate the development of the our country circulating economy.finally paper from the idea and policy to economic and law etc to present countermeaure and the strategy to development of our country circulating economy.
Key words: Circulating economy, tradition economy, sustainable development, countermeaure
1 绪论 ………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 可持续发展战略的由来 ……………………………………………1
1.2 循环经济在实施可持续发展战略的进程中应运而生 ………………… 3
1.3 发展循环经济的意义 …………………………………………………… 3
2 循环经济的内涵与实质 ………………………………………………… 6
2.1 与传统经济的不同之处 ………………………………………………… 6
2.2 循环经济的优越性 ……………………………………………………… 7
2.3 循环经济兼顾发展与环保,克服两难 …………………………………… 8
2.4 发展循环经济的基本途径和重点 ………………………………………… 9
2.5 循环经济的六种运行模式 ……………………………………………… 11
2.6 发展循环经济的终极目标是谋求人类的全面发展 …………………… 12
3 我国的现状 ……………………………………………………………… 13
3.1 我国的严峻形势 ………………………………………………………… 13
3.2 我国发展循环经济已有一定基础 ……………………………………… 15
3.3 党的十六大和十六届三中全会关于发展循环
经济的指导思想、主要原则和近期目标………………………………… 16
4 推进循环经济对策策略 ………………………………………………… 17
4.1 提高认识,转变观念,增强发展循环经济的紧迫感和责任感 ……… 17
4.2 运用系统工程的方法,进行循环经济战略研究 …………………… 17
4.3 运用法律手段,引导和规范循环经济的发展 ………………………… 18
4.4 运用科技手段,为推进循环经济提供强有力的支撑 ………………… 18
4.5 运用经济手段,建立有利于循环经济的投入机制 …………………… 18
4.6 加大示范试点和典型企业的推动和辐射作用 ………………………… 19
4.7 强化政策导向,坚持鼓励与限制相结合,形
成循环经济发展的激励机制 …………………………………………… 19
4.8 推动公众参与 ………………………………………………………… 19
5 未来展望 ………………………………………………………………… 20
谢辞 …………………………………………………………………………… 21
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………… 22
[19]王格芳,王成新.循环经济推动可持续发展[J].学习时报,2003, 03-11.