
此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布
全文37页 约14000字 论述翔实
摘 要
In order to eva luate various pork indexes and pork grade impersonally,this paper adopted BP artificial nerve network in the tool box of MATLAB nerve network,and estabished the BP nerve network model on the basis of analysis of the pig body’s characteristic parameters and live pig image parameters.The samples were trained,then the trained BP nerve network model was emulated.The emulated result and manual eva luated result were compared.Further more,effects on the emulated result and trained target error were compared.
The result expresses, the BP artificial nerve network model can take the gauge of pork various index signs and eva luate the pork grade. The accurate rate in grade on the basis of pig body’s characteristic parameters is 98%,while the accurate rate in grade on the basis of live pig image parameters is 80%.As a result, live pig image parameters is more practical to show the quality of pork.It also showed that BP artificial nerve network in the tool box of MATLAB nerve network can be applied in pork grade idendification.
Keywords:BP nerve network; MATLAB ;pork grade
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 神经网络的发展 1
1.2 人工神经网络的原理概述 1
1.3 问题的提出和课题的意义 2
1.4 课题的研究内容和目标 3
第二章 可行性研究 4
2.1 背景 4
2.2 可行性研究前提 4
2.3 技术方面的可行性 5
第三章 系统需求分析 8
3.1 系统概述 8
3.2 功能概述 8
3.3 数据输入 8
3.4 系统输出 9
3.5 硬件、软件、运行环境 9
第四章 系统概要设计 10
4.1 数据类型 10
4.2 输入数据预处理 11
4.3 数据输入输出方法 11
4.4 处理流程和数据流程 12
4.5 MATLAB中有关神经网络的重要函数 13
4.6 BP网络的设计分析 13
第五章 详细设计 15
5.1 根据胴体猪肉图象进行等级仿真的实现 15
5.2 根据活体猪图象特征值进行仿真的实现 19
5.3 不同隐含层传递函数和隐含层神经元个数对BP网络影响研究 27
第六章 用户手册 32
6.1 数据输入方式 32
6.2 网络训练和网络仿真 32
6.3 数据输出 32
第七章 总 结 33
致 谢 34
附 录 参考书目 35
[14] MATLAB 7.0实用指南,苏金明, 王永利 编著,电子工业出版社,2004
[15] MATLAB 6数学建模基础教程,云舟工作室 编著,人民邮电出版社,2001
[16] MATLAB神经网络设计,陈闻新 周露 王丹力 熊晓英 编著,科学出版社,2000.9
[17]A cerebellar neural network model for adaptative control of saccades implemented with Matlab;Rodriguez Campos, Francisco A. (Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut); Enderle, John Source: Bioengineering, Proceedings of the Northeast Conference, 2003, p 5-10
[18] Neural network modeling for dynamic pulsed GTAW process with wire filler based on MATLAB;Zhao, Dongbin (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University); Chen, Shanben; Wu, Lin; Chen, Qiang Source: China Welding (English Edition), v 10, n 2, November, 2001, p 88-93
全文37页 约14000字 论述翔实
摘 要
In order to eva luate various pork indexes and pork grade impersonally,this paper adopted BP artificial nerve network in the tool box of MATLAB nerve network,and estabished the BP nerve network model on the basis of analysis of the pig body’s characteristic parameters and live pig image parameters.The samples were trained,then the trained BP nerve network model was emulated.The emulated result and manual eva luated result were compared.Further more,effects on the emulated result and trained target error were compared.
The result expresses, the BP artificial nerve network model can take the gauge of pork various index signs and eva luate the pork grade. The accurate rate in grade on the basis of pig body’s characteristic parameters is 98%,while the accurate rate in grade on the basis of live pig image parameters is 80%.As a result, live pig image parameters is more practical to show the quality of pork.It also showed that BP artificial nerve network in the tool box of MATLAB nerve network can be applied in pork grade idendification.
Keywords:BP nerve network; MATLAB ;pork grade
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 神经网络的发展 1
1.2 人工神经网络的原理概述 1
1.3 问题的提出和课题的意义 2
1.4 课题的研究内容和目标 3
第二章 可行性研究 4
2.1 背景 4
2.2 可行性研究前提 4
2.3 技术方面的可行性 5
第三章 系统需求分析 8
3.1 系统概述 8
3.2 功能概述 8
3.3 数据输入 8
3.4 系统输出 9
3.5 硬件、软件、运行环境 9
第四章 系统概要设计 10
4.1 数据类型 10
4.2 输入数据预处理 11
4.3 数据输入输出方法 11
4.4 处理流程和数据流程 12
4.5 MATLAB中有关神经网络的重要函数 13
4.6 BP网络的设计分析 13
第五章 详细设计 15
5.1 根据胴体猪肉图象进行等级仿真的实现 15
5.2 根据活体猪图象特征值进行仿真的实现 19
5.3 不同隐含层传递函数和隐含层神经元个数对BP网络影响研究 27
第六章 用户手册 32
6.1 数据输入方式 32
6.2 网络训练和网络仿真 32
6.3 数据输出 32
第七章 总 结 33
致 谢 34
附 录 参考书目 35
[14] MATLAB 7.0实用指南,苏金明, 王永利 编著,电子工业出版社,2004
[15] MATLAB 6数学建模基础教程,云舟工作室 编著,人民邮电出版社,2001
[16] MATLAB神经网络设计,陈闻新 周露 王丹力 熊晓英 编著,科学出版社,2000.9
[17]A cerebellar neural network model for adaptative control of saccades implemented with Matlab;Rodriguez Campos, Francisco A. (Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut); Enderle, John Source: Bioengineering, Proceedings of the Northeast Conference, 2003, p 5-10
[18] Neural network modeling for dynamic pulsed GTAW process with wire filler based on MATLAB;Zhao, Dongbin (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University); Chen, Shanben; Wu, Lin; Chen, Qiang Source: China Welding (English Edition), v 10, n 2, November, 2001, p 88-93
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