数值分析课程设计报告,页数 13 字数 4133摘要(中):本文建立在数值分析的理论基础上,能够在matlab环境中运行,给出了理论分析、程序清单以及计算结果。更重要的是,还有详细的对算法的框图说明。首先运用romberg积分方法对给出定积分进行积分,然后对得到的结果用插值方法,分别求出lagrange插值多项式和new...

此文档由会员 王亮亮 发布
页数 13 字数 4133
Summary(Enlish):This essay is based on numerical analysis ,and could be operated in Matlab environment, including theroy analysis, program and results. What’s more, there are detailed diagram which shows how the algorithm works. It first uses the integrating method of Romberg , which is an improved trapezoidal integration, to solve the given definite integral,then we create Lagrange’s interpolation polynomial and Newton’s interpolation polynomial. And according to least square method, curve fitting polynomial is created. At the last part of the essay, we compare these different patterns of polynomial, founding their distinctive advantages and disadvantages.
① John H.Mathews,Kurtis D.Fink 著,陈渝等译。Numerical Methods Using MATLAB (Third Edition) 北京:电子工业出版社.
② 张池平主编.计算方法.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社.
③ 王兵团,桂文豪著.数学实验基础.北京:北方交通大学出版社.
④ 杨万利等著.数值分析教程.北京:国防工业出版社.
⑤ 康晓东主编.数值算法与非数值算法. 北京:电子工业出版社
页数 13 字数 4133
Summary(Enlish):This essay is based on numerical analysis ,and could be operated in Matlab environment, including theroy analysis, program and results. What’s more, there are detailed diagram which shows how the algorithm works. It first uses the integrating method of Romberg , which is an improved trapezoidal integration, to solve the given definite integral,then we create Lagrange’s interpolation polynomial and Newton’s interpolation polynomial. And according to least square method, curve fitting polynomial is created. At the last part of the essay, we compare these different patterns of polynomial, founding their distinctive advantages and disadvantages.
① John H.Mathews,Kurtis D.Fink 著,陈渝等译。Numerical Methods Using MATLAB (Third Edition) 北京:电子工业出版社.
② 张池平主编.计算方法.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社.
③ 王兵团,桂文豪著.数学实验基础.北京:北方交通大学出版社.
④ 杨万利等著.数值分析教程.北京:国防工业出版社.
⑤ 康晓东主编.数值算法与非数值算法. 北京:电子工业出版社